Comments on: When pregnancy doesn’t go to plan If not, ask Gran Wed, 02 Jul 2014 06:27:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lina Sat, 07 Jun 2014 13:41:34 +0000 What a scary experience for you bless you. It is so different the second time – you have another little person to look after, and you want to feel like you can do it all. I’ve been guilty of doing far too much this pregnancy but now I am realising that rest is necessary for our littlest ones and that there is nothing to feel guilty about for resting up and looking after them (and ourselves).

I hope the doctor was right and the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly x

By: Amy Ransom Wed, 04 Jun 2014 02:10:35 +0000 Oh Molly! I had no idea, I’m so sorry. Scary stuff indeed. I was holding my breath just then. So glad all is ok. I’ve had scares with both my girls and now the placenta issues with this one. I take it a bit like you. As a sign to slow down, to appreciate, to realise that nothing is quite as important as this and everything else can wait. But I still don’t slow down on the things I love doing, just the stuff I don’t ;).

Make sure you put your feet up when you can. With a good boxset. I actually hate it when people say that because you think ‘there’s no time.’ But there is and NOW is it. I’m so glad everything is looking ok. Oh. And yoga’s also been fab for slowing me down. I think you may be doing that anyway. ‘Namaste.’ X

By: Looking for blue sky Mon, 02 Jun 2014 09:26:33 +0000 Thinking of you, and yes you need to take that advice. You know why I know that xx

By: Angela Tobin Mon, 02 Jun 2014 09:22:55 +0000 Oh Molly, I really feel for you. I understand everything you have described – the fear, the panic…and the difficulty in slowing down even though you know it’s for the best.

I’m really happy that everything is ok. As for tips for taking it easy…that’s a really hard one. I’m struggling with this one too! I have started knitting things for the baby – still doing something but sitting and relaxing too!

Take it easy and I hope things go smoothly from now on x

By: Jen Walshaw Sun, 01 Jun 2014 22:48:02 +0000 Oh Molly, what a horrible experience and all the worse to have to go though it on your own.

Take it easy, relax and rest, You have to, even though it is hard you don’t have an alternative.

I have been there really I have and you will get through this.

By: Kath Bee Sun, 01 Jun 2014 21:33:06 +0000 I had an unexplained bleed in my second pregnancy. How on earth a mum to a toddler is expected to slow down I have no idea! The person who figures that out is going to be a millionaire.

The worst bit about the bleed was the fact that the waiting room was on the main corridor between the delivery rooms and the ward, so during my agonising wait several mums with their brand new babies were wheeled past. I really wish they would think about this sort of thing when designing hospitals

By: Stephs Two Girls Sun, 01 Jun 2014 20:44:48 +0000 Aw, so sorry to hear about this, a real scare for you. So glad to hear all seems OK now, but I do hope you manage to take it easy and relax – you know you deserve it anyway :) Good luck with the next couple of months xx

By: HELEN Sun, 01 Jun 2014 20:42:21 +0000 oh Molly, you definitely need to take a step back & put those feet up – with my 2nd I took great pleasure in the fact that he loved the Wiggles – during the hot Pennsylvanian summer of 2002 I wore that DVD out playing it back to back whilst I lay on the sofa with the A/C on, needs must & all that.
Take care now Molly!

By: Jodie Fisher Sun, 01 Jun 2014 19:44:47 +0000 I’m so sorry you had to go through all of this but am glad you are ok and baby is doing fine!!

By: Emma Sun, 01 Jun 2014 18:40:06 +0000 Awww Molly, it must be so hard to slow down, but make sure you do, and take the time to enjoy the last few months with Frog before her little sibling arrives. xxx
