Comments on: We have arrived at the Stage of Doom – potty training If not, ask Gran Mon, 04 Aug 2014 19:15:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mary Tue, 12 Feb 2013 16:23:35 +0000 Sounds like you´re going about it in entirely the best way, taking your cues from Frog. I did the same with my boy and was determined not to get stressed over it all or pressure him in any way. And it worked. (Although despite my best intentions I did get stressed on the one or two poo in pants scenarios that we had, obvs!) He actually trained really quickly, in a matter of a couple of days, because he was ready. Best of luck with it! x

By: Molly Wed, 06 Feb 2013 09:43:54 +0000 Is it bad that I’m glad to hear a more experienced mum is also a bit confused too?!

By: Emma @mummymummymum Tue, 05 Feb 2013 21:01:34 +0000 We are about to start as well, I’ve done it twice before and I still don’t know where to start, each child is so different. xx

By: Heather Sat, 02 Feb 2013 11:39:35 +0000 I was petrified of potty training but it was actually relatively unstressful – I think because I totally followed their lead (they were ready waaay before I was). I do know I was lucky.

Top tip is to let her be naked down under for at least the first couple of days. Less about mess and more about making her aware of the fact that she doesn’t have a nappy on. When the twins first put pants on we had a few accidents, then they got it. Then we moved onto trousers (get in plenty of jogging bottoms – easy to pull up and down and quicker to dry after you’ve washed them) and it was the same – couple of accidents then they got used to the sensation.

Also get a potette plus for when you’re out and about. One of the best things I ever bought.

Good luck and try to enjoy it!

By: Fabtastic mummy Fri, 01 Feb 2013 23:44:02 +0000 Oh god potty trainig was hard. I did it in the summer when my daughter was 2 y 2 m. It was
Really hard with a new
Baby aswell. I kept her bare
Bottom for a week stayed in the house or
Outside all day of weather was nice. Wees came quickly poo took a
Good two weeks!! And I did a ‘ potty dance ‘ for her every time she did something on the potty. She loved it and was more than
Happy to sit ther all day for
To do the potty dance. Good luck x

By: Bibsey Mama (@BibseyMama) Fri, 01 Feb 2013 21:41:08 +0000 My little girl is three in April. The whole wee wee potty training thing seems to be a dim distant memory. It went well. Poos, however, are a different story. We have scored one in the loo at Granny’s and that was a spontaneous ‘poo just came out with a wee’ thing. No one was more surprised than Bibsey. She talks about pooing in the loo but when the time comes she asks for a nappy and some privacy.

We have decided to back off a bit on the poo in the loo thing as the pressure was just causing her to hold back entirely and then of course she couldn’t go at all. I think that you are right just to follow her lead.

Good luck x

By: mymummylife Fri, 01 Feb 2013 19:48:24 +0000 The Boy was a breeze to train – 2y2m, and done within three days. Second time round, I am SCARED of it! The Baby is 23 months and is perfectly capable of telling us when she needs a wee or poo, but the potty is just a game to her, and she’d rather stuff her Hophop bunny in it than produce anything. She’s still very young, but given that she can stay dry for six hours and then spectacularly out-wee a nappy, I feel the time isn’t far off – but I don’t think she agrees! Am also tentatively earmarking half-term to give it a proper shot; at least then we’ll know whether or not she *can* do it.

By: Kate Fri, 01 Feb 2013 19:44:43 +0000 Be prepared to go and “admire” what has just appeared in the Toilet…….perhaps it’s only my 3, but they’ve always been very, erm, PROUD of their Poo (&, to be honest, they do have an amazing ability to do Poos that would make a Grown up teary eyed……) but our willingness to go & look then high five/cheer as required has meant a very smooth & accident free transition to the Big Toilet!!!

By: Honestmum Fri, 01 Feb 2013 18:44:32 +0000 We found potty training in the summer easiest as o could run around naked, have accidents then be encouraged on the potty. He preferred the small toilet seat to the potty. I was like you & followed his lead as an earlier attempt was just that: too early but it was relatively easy second attempt! Good luck & how adorable is she x

By: Circus Queen Fri, 01 Feb 2013 18:42:00 +0000 Those training pants are soooo cute!! Good luck. It sounds like you’re going about everything gently. x
