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I had an upsetting phone call on Friday afternoon. It brought the important things in life sharply into focus, reminding me to make the most of Every. Last. Second of them.

So rather than be sad, I pushed the anxious thoughts to the back of my mind and spent four hours with my beautiful girl, appreciating life. When things go wrong, I think that’s all you can do. Appreciate life and grab every second of happiness you can. It’s a gift, not something to be taken for granted.

We joined the OAP’s at the local garden centre cafe. I ate a cheese scone with a cup of tea while my toddler tucked into a crispy chocolatey cakey thing.

We wandered into the fish shop (I’m sure that’s not the correct term, but I’m not really a fish person) and checked out the goldfish and other types of fish (no idea) swimming around. I spotted one about 3 centimetres long and priced at £65. We’re never getting fish.

Then we drove into our nearest town and mooched about the shops, buying Frog a new pair of shoes in the process. It’s the first time she’s had a pair of shoes without ankle support and her physio recommended it. She loves them, calling them her “big girl shoes”.

We bought some chocolate buttons (it was that kind of day) and popped into a charity shop where I picked up four lovely books for the grand sum of £3.50. My two year old will be so pleased on Christmas Day. No, seriously, she will.

Then we did a bit of celeb spotting…

And reindeer spotting…

As the crowds gathered in front of the stage in the middle of the square, ready to see the lights being switched on, I watched as my two year old lapped up the atmosphere.

I looked at her dancing her little heart out and smiled.

These are the moments we take with us. These are the moments that make life so worth grabbing hold of. These are the moments to treasure.

Life is precious.