Tomorrow morning I will present my last breakfast show on Heart Wiltshire, hang up my headphones, collect my daughter, and drive to Devon.
It’s been an incredibly fun, challenging, inspiring, exhausting 18 months – and I don’t regret one second.
Learning to juggle what is effectively two full time jobs (I’m self-employed) alongside motherhood, a relationship with my husband, seeing my friends, drinking wine and waving a wet-wipe at the dust in my house has been – at all times – eye-opening.
I’ve experienced the tiredness that can only come with getting up at 3.45am every morning, commuting 45 minutes to work, coming home, looking after a demanding toddler, working until 10.30pm and doing it all again the next day. And I’ve survived. More than survived actually – I’ve enjoyed it.
People who work in radio often joke that “there’s nothing like radio”. Truth is, when I left my permanent job in radio to go on maternity leave with my little bundle, I didn’t really miss it. I had achieved all the challenges I set myself in that job and I was ready for a new phase in my life.
It wasn’t until I started covering as a freelancer that I caught the (so-called) “radio bug” again. I remembered what it feels like to suddenly look at the clock and realise you’ve spent four hours laughing and chatting without even realising it. I remembered how good it is to make people feel happy, simply by talking about something or playing a tune on the radio. I was hooked again.
It’s a great medium to work in and I’m sure I’ll miss the daily banter and the ridiculous things I got up to while in the studio. But I’m ready for a change. I’m ready to take life at a bit more of a “normal” pace and discover evenings with my husband again.
I’m not saying that’s it for me and radio. The door is not closed. I still love it and I know I’ll go back. I’m lucky enough to have worked as a presenter, journalist, researcher and producer in my career so far, and I know I’ll return to one of these roles again in the future.
But, for now, I’m going to concentrate on my other work projects that will see me writing and editing full time, from home. I’m going to enjoy taking my toddler to nursery myself, before settling her into a new pre-school in our new home 200 miles away in Devon. I’m going to just be, without the rushing from one thing to another at 100 miles an hour.
When you’re self-employed, it’s easy to take on every project that’s thrown at you. And when you have a financial target in mind, it’s easy to forget to give yourself a bit of breathing space. I don’t want to make that mistake so, for now, I’m setting my sights on a couple of pretty huge and exciting writing projects, which I will be working on from home.
Oh – and I also have the small task of finding a temporary home to rent for the next few months while we buy a house in the idyllic corner of Devon that we have set our heart on.
Wish me luck – I think I’m going to need it!
I’ll say ‘good luck’ but you won’t need it – you’ll be too busy relishing your new routine and all a big change involves x
Good luck lovely, this new career and life direction sounds utterly amazing! xxx
Good Luck! And enjoy your mornings without getting up in the middle of the night, even 6am will feel like a lie-in! x
Hope all goes well with the house buying! I’m glad you’ll be able to move at a more human pace!
So exciting, what an amazing time you’ve got ahead of you! xx
Well done Molly and good luck. I’m secretly jealous, even though I’m doing the same here, just not in such a lovely location 🙂
Hi Molly… I have just done the same thing! Have resigned from my job to spend more time at home with my son. Just could not juggle being a mum with a job, a commute, nursery drop-offs, a blog, a husband, friends, family and various other interests.
I wish you all the best of luck in your new adventure and will read your journey with much interest over the coming months 🙂
Good luck Molly , always enjoyed you on Heart with Adam , the chemistry was good and it always sounded fun.
Sad to see some pretty rude comments on the Heart web site , some people eh !
Enjoy Devon it will be fab , has you husband got a new post as well ??
The few comments on the Heart website are massively outnumbered by the positive comments on the Heart Facebook page, Twitter and through email John, so I’m not upset! It’s always good to remember you can’t please everyone all of the time – thank you for the lovely message. And yes, we’re moving to Devon for numerous reasons, the biggest being because my husband has got a new job.
Sounds amazing! And trust me – you won’t miss that alarm one little bit! Cant wait to read about your new life xx
Thanks lovely – looking forward to writing about it! xx
Good luck with it all. Big step but enjoy the sleep. 3.45am? Ouch!!
Indeed! Means I won’t be battling huge bags under my eyes when I eventually meet you at The MADs in September! x
oh hell yeah!! you are going to Love it!! I must know….which area?? I am a Devon bird y’know and I live in South Devon xxxx
Brilliant – another Devon blogger! We’re looking at the south side of Dartmoor at the mo, but yet to get a house – looking this weekend!
you rock lovely lady this is all. Exciting times xxx
Wow, incredible Molly! You’l be able to grow veggies wheeeee! Best of luck. you are doing a brave and brilliant thing
Molly I was not lucky enough to hear your show, I know you will be greatly missed though, I wish you all the success and happiness the future holds for you xxx
enjoy the lay ins!
The show simply will not be the same without you but you will fly without it and with the benefit of sleep.
love you x
Wow, massive change and new chapter, good luck and hope it’s everything you hope and wish for xx
Sad but happy hey? I bet you’ll miss those dark, winter mornings?
What? Not at all?
Wishing you every happiness in your new venture and new home xx
BUT you’ll miss us just a TEENY bit right? Good Luck Molly x
You lucky lady, you are off to a beautiful part of the world with some beautiful people. *Waits eagerly to find out more about huge writing projects* 🙂
Go you!
I can’t wait to see your journey over the next few months as you get a compost bin and chickens. I shall miss calling into your show at 7am on a Monday morning, that time of day will never be the same again!
Good luck Molly. You really deserve this change of pace and life. You have so earned all your success.
And a lie in
Good luck Molly! Hope your move goes fantastically well.
wow. 345 am? really?! You crazy woman 😉 still, I suppose someone has to. Just glad it wasn’t me. How do you manage to be cheery at that time in the morning?! Anyhow it’s so nice to hear you full of anticipation for the next stage in your life – must be so fab to knwo you are doing the right thing that suits you at thsi time in your life, and I’m sure you’ll love being a WAHM! Good luck with it all x
Thanks Steph! Wonder how long it’ll take my body to stop waking up at 3.45am naturally – hopefully not long, looking forward to a bit more sleep! xx