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Summer 2013In a blink of an eye, summer is over. Just like that, August has ended and September is here.

Except it’s not just like that. Some of the days themselves stretched out in a sea of crafting, tantrums and stress over juggling deadlines with parenthood.

But others were blissful. Hazy summer picnics, bike rides, trips to the beach, exploring our new home near Dartmoor. 

We went to Cornwall, twice. Stayed in hotels and on campsites. We went to London, Warwickshire and all over Devon.

We painted at home and we picnicked in the park. We built sandcastles on the beach and dens in the garden. We spent time with much-loved family. We stayed up late and watched the stars come out in the sky one by one.

Home fun summer 2013

Summer 2013, I miss you already.

Exploring summer 2013