If you have a body, you have a body image. Some of us feel good in our skin, some of us feel bad, but one thing is for certain: we can all be affected by body insecurities.
Season 2 of Body Cons delves deeper into this subject and I’m so excited to share some of the really moving conversations we had with our diverse lineup of incredible guests.
The great thing about this topic is that it encompasses so many different areas. From mental health to social justice, parenting to feminism, nutrition to exercise – the topic of body image is one that intersects with such a wide range of ideas that it never gets boring.
Season 2 kicked off last week with anti-diet Intuitive Movement queen and Instagram favourite Tally Rye, where we discussed a different approach to fitness and exercise. It was a really eye-opening, fun and interesting conversation and everyone needs a bit of Tally in their life.
Today we shared episode 2 of the season where we discussed body image and boys because, contrary to much popular opinion, boys can get body insecurities too.
Our guests on this episode were my Naked Beach pals Ben Whit and Dan Richards, who come from traditionally masculine industries (construction and the army) and who are battling to change the idea around what it means to be “a man”.
We talked toxic masculinity, mental health, the importance of talking – and why it’s never a good idea to compare yourself to others. I feel like this is a must-listen if you’re a parent to boys (but equally, whether you have a brother, a husband, a boyfriend, an uncle, a dad, it’s all very relevant).
Body Cons is a huge investment in time, energy and money, but it’s a worthwhile one because it’s a really special podcast. I know you’re meant to say that about your own work but I really believe it to be true.
When I first met up with my podwife Lottie Storey last September to discuss the idea we had no idea if it would work. It turned into a massive project, taking months to develop, research and get off the ground. But we kept going because we believed it needed to exist.
We travel to each of our guests, so we can have really open and honest chats with them in a place where they feel comfortable to share. We’ve had chats in bedrooms, in kitchens, in living rooms, in offices – all over the country. And now we’re getting emails from listeners all over the world (hi Boston and Sydney!) showing that body image isn’t a subject of preoccupation confined to the UK.
Season 2 is a bigger offering, comprising of 15 episodes with many amazing guests, instead of the ten we had in season 1. We’re also planning some online resources, workshops and hopefully another live podcast event so if you’re interested in that head over to our website and sign up to the mailing list to be the first in the know.
In the meantime, happy listening. I know I’m biased but it really is a great podcast!
(If you’re interested in being involved in the podcast in some way or you’d like to share some ideas for future episodes you can get in touch with us at [email protected])
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