Preparing for a holiday like an actual grown-up

When I was younger, preparing for a holiday basically consisted of spending two weeks searching for the perfect bikini, another week sourcing the best sunglasses and a few rushed hours beforehand sorting out travel insurance and holiday money. I had my priorities right, clearly.

But now, as a 32 year old mum of two, planning a trip abroad is a little more – how shall I say it? – organised. I’ve already got travel insurance, the bikini’s been swapped for a swimsuit I panic-bought in the midst of a toddler tantrum in Next recently and the Euros were ordered online last week.

So that just leaves one thing – a first aid kit.

Being the sister of a doctor you might think we’d already have a pretty polished first aid kit. But the truth is, until recently, our first aid kit basically consisted of Calpol and plasters. Oh – and a strip of suspiciously greying bandage.

It’s fair to say I was only marginally prepared for one of the various daily healthcare emergencies we regularly see as a family with an accident-prone six year old and a dare-devil toddler. One thing I was missing which I desperately needed last summer was some eye drops. Last year Frog got some sand in her eyes at the beach and having something like Vidisan – a natural eye drop you can use from babies and upwards – would have been a real relief (for her and me).

As it was, I found myself searching for a pharmacy and looking up the French for “have you got eye drops please?” on Google translate. Lesson learned: it always helps to be prepared, especially when kids are involved.This year I’ve got a new first aid kit which contains the all-important eye drops, as well as sterile wipes, plasters, bandage, and many other useful everyday medical essentials.

First Aid Kit for families

And the good news is I have one of these to give away. To enter, simply complete the Rafflecopter widget on this post and tell me the piece of first aid kit you couldn’t live without on a family holiday abroad. You can win a bonus entry for following me on Twitter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Competition open to UK residents over the age of 18 only. Competition open from 12am on 19th July 2016 to 12am on 25th July 2016. To enter, leave a comment on this post and follow @mollyjforbes on Twitter. The winner will receive one St John’s Ambulance first aid kit. There will be one winner. There is no cash alternative. Winners will be announced on this post within 48 hours of the competition closing. The promoter is Nexus Communications, Nexus Communications, 52A Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BE . Entry confirms you agree to these terms and conditions and are bound by them.





  1. says

    It’s such a good idea to have a first aid kit isn’t it. I remember staying at a hotel with Wilf when he was 18 months and he had ear ache and screamed ALL night, we’ve always remembered to bring Calpol since then! x

  2. Caroline says

    Until very recently (ie when I had my child) my first aid was paracetamol and plasters. End of. Now however it’s a bit better stocked but holiday first aid must include immodium. Dodgy tummy is bad enough, dodgy tummy with a toddler who you have to take to the loo with you is a nightmare!!

  3. Ghislaine Forbes says

    Remember the charcoal the French pharmacist gave us for your upset stomach as a child? Worth buying things your children recognise to save time bribing them to take what you have bought abroad…you – “You want me to eat coal?!” love ma x

  4. Gillian says

    I too have a first aid kit that contains calpol plasters and sone savlon maybe I need to invest in something more substantial with a 4 & 2 yr old!

  5. Lorna Roberts says

    I swear by plasters, too. It’s so easy for anyone to end up with a graze or scratch. Even a bad hangnail can be kept under wraps until you can get back to your room to snip it.

  6. says

    This first aid kit looks so handy! I have a DIY/homemade one cobbled together, but there’d be a lot of piece of mind from knowing a kit had the St John’s Ambulance seal of approval.

  7. Charlotte says

    Not exactly ‘first aid’ as such, but wet wipes are in my essentials – used for cleaning up children/clothes/sinks etc etc. One child refuses to wear plasters, but will hold a wet wipe in place!

  8. Amanda says

    I always carry a first aid kit in the boot of the car – it has plasters, bandages, paracetamol and I always carry Calpol for the kids.

  9. Lauren Tourle says

    Plasters, even when they are not really needed, sometimes they can be the difference between a crying toddler for 4 hours and a happy toddler who feels better having it there :)

  10. says

    Anti-bacterial wipes and plasters are our essentials…I need to start thinking more about sorting an actual first aid kit now that our little one is starting to move! Eek! x

  11. jo liddement says

    I always have a small bottle of tea tree oil in my holiday suitcase as its invaluable for stings, bites and blisters.

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