I’ve been writing this post in my head for weeks. I kept hoping that things would fall into place to bring me to this point, right now, where I am sitting at my computer and sharing plans for an amazing new future.
These plans have been a while in the making and, right up until a couple of weeks ago, we didn’t think they would become a reality. But they have. And I keep pinching myself to believe it.
We are moving. Not just down the road either. Not even to a nearby town. No, we’re going a bit further.
We are moving more than 170 miles away, to begin a new life in Devon.
Wow, it felt good writing that!
While there are pieces of the puzzle I can’t yet share, it feels good to know that all those elusive bits have finally slotted together, so that we can begin a life we barely dreamed possible just six months ago.
A life near my parents, near the sea, amongst beautiful countryside and a slower, more normal pace of life.
I’m looking forward to some amazing new work projects, including getting stuck into my role as Editor for the brilliant parent blogging network that is Tots100. I’m looking forward to choosing paint and picking out colours for the very first home we will ever own. And I’m looking forward to spending more time with that delicious, diva-esque child of mine.
Bring on the future. Here’s to the summer!
Now… any tips on moving / Devon / house-hunting / packing / not having a relocation-induced panic attack? Much appreciated, thank you.
whooo how exciting xx
You better come and visit me!
Ahhh how FANTASTIC Molly! That just sounds like the DREAM. I am so happy for you and can’t wait for posts about your new life down there xx
Wondering if I’ll suddenly go all “zen” and find the answer to that elusive “balance” question. Doubt it…!
its very exciting!!! Which part of DEvon are you moving to? x
We’re looking at the southern edge of Dartmoor. Ashburton / Buckfast.. possibly! Have yet to find a house yet though. Needs to be within commuting distance of Torquay where my husband’s new job is. x
whoo hoo brilliant news Molly, all your hard work has paid off! x
Thanks Helen. It’s all still sinking in!
I can still barely believe it Helen! x
Oooh! I bet it feels so good to get that out in the open! These things always feel more real when you can tell other people & they can share your excitement. How fabulous! Can’t wait to read all about your coming adventures xxx
Thanks Ruth – you’re so right! x
That sounds amazing. Such a beautiful place for a young family. Like Alison, I can’t wait to read more about your adventure. Good luck with the move and settling in, but I am sure having your parents around will make it very easy for you x
Hopefully! They won’t be too far away, it will be lovely to not have a 5 hour drive when we want to see them now! x
Good luck and hope all your dreams come true x
Ah, thank you. Me too! x
Oh how amazing! That’s so wonderful. x
Thank you – blogger mini-breaks?! x
Huh? Where my comment go?!
How fabulous for you all – living the dream indeed x
Fantastic news! So pleased for you all x
Thanks Penny! Can. Not. Wait. x
Wow, what a brilliant new direction to you all. I’m not at all envious, honest. Plus Devon is pretty close to Bristol so do pop in from time to time to see us all.
Course I will – another bonus of moving down that way! x
This sounds brilliant and what a thrilling new adventure! Good on you
Trying to focus on the excitement rather than the nerves! Excitement currently winning. Ready for it now I think (that view may change when I’m drowning in a pile of boxes!). x
Seriously jealous!! Can I come?
Course. Blogger mini-breaks?!
Good for you Hun! Sounds amazing. Really pleased for you xx
Thanks lovely, am so excited. And also a little stressed about the moving bit!
Whooo hoo!! Whereabouts in Devon?
AHMAZING news chica xx
We’ve got to find a house first! Looking Ashburton / Buckfastleigh kind of way. Near Totnes, a bit more inland from the coast but within a short drive. Lots of lovely villages around the southern edge of Dartmoor. Still can’t believe it’s actually happening! x
Ah how exciting! And as Ella said above you are quite near Bristol so we will have to all arrange something, would be lovely to meet you x
That would be fantastic. Would love to. x
Good Luck Molly…really pleased for you x
Thanks Karen. Ready for our new adventure – F is beside herself with excitement!
Oh my word! I can totally feel your liberation in this post!! What a wonderful feeling and how incredibly exciting! A happy adventure.
My only tip? Keep up the sense of humour in large doses. And best of luck. What an exciting time for you
I have a feeling a sense of humour and wine are both going to be the things that get me down there and through the piles of boxes phase!
Am sure it will be utterly Brilliant and, as much as we will miss you waking us up each day (not entirely sure how I’m going to break it to small Daughters), I agree with others that I am truly excited to hear about your new life as it unfolds!!
Relocating is always daunting, but I think the trick is to embrace the change and simply cross each bridge as you come to it!!
Oh, and I cannot recommend enough paying Removals Firms to pack for you – they do it way better and in a fraction of the time!!!!
Removals are definitely the way forward. Once we get our house sorted that’s my next job on the long list! Thanks for your lovely comment. x
That is the most fantastic, amazing news!! Congrats to you all. Xx
Beside myself with excitement about it all – still can’t really believe it’s happening Sharon!
How very very exciting. I am SO pleased for you. Here’s to you getting more of a home / life balance and some sleep!!
Have lots of moving tips. Shout when you need them
Can you just do it all for me? 😉 x
Sounds amazingly exciting and idyllic! Happy house hunting your lucky people xxx
Thank you – exciting! (And a little bit scary.)
Wow- what fantastic news. I’m hoping that your good luck will rub off on our moving plans!
I have everything crossed for you Kelly!
Fab news Molly, I can’t think of anyone who deserves a slower pace of life than you, you’re probably the hardest-working person I know! Here’s to a bright future for you and your gorgeous family.
*Wells up* thanks Jayne! x
HOW exciting! I will get to work on that bunting! I totally fell for it – thought this was a pregnancy announcement.
You know I’m holding you to your word on that bunting, right?! x
Sure thing, just name the colours! x
Devon is so beautiful! We had many a family holiday there as kids.Good luck on finding a house
Thanks Aly – I think I will need all the luck I can get! Going to be facing two moves in six months, one into a temporary rental while we find the house we want to buy. Scary but exciting!
You’ll just have to come and visit…
Wow that’s brilliant news, you must be delighted! You’ll have a much better quality of life and you’ll love it. My best moving tip is get packers :))
You’re not the first person to say that!
Exciting news and exciting times for you all! Epic stuff x
Epic indeed! xx
Exciting, you will love it and not so far from me either, now that would be a great easy holiday!
Very true! x
OOh congratualtions I would love to live by the sea
Hoping it’ll mean I get fit again… then again, fish and chips, icecream…. nah, thought not!
That is great news, congratulations
Thanks Jen – can’t wait!
How absolutely lovely Molly! Congratulations and good luck with it all xx
Thank you – still pinching myself to believe it’s actually happening!
Wishing you all the luck in the world in your new life in Devon Molly, it’s one of my most favourite places to holiday. Lots of new exciting times coming your way. Xx
Ah thank you Katie – we’re all hugely excited and ready for the change. xx
Sounds wonderful! Really happy for you
Tips? Declutter first – we got rid of almost everything and moved to Ireland with all that was left in the back of a Transit (including a dining room table, chairs, sofa and a piano)
Great tip – and you’ve inspired me! We’ve started already but still have much to do!
And lovely to be near your parents too.
Well done on starting to realise your dream life
It is isn’t it?! Really starting to feel real now. OH MY GOODNESS WE’RE MOVING TO DEVON! AGH!
Fantastic news Molly! Yay!
Moving from London the The Ford was the best thing we ever did – we love the quieter life here.
Devon is beautiful – you’re going to become a chicken rearing, chillaxed, earth mother I see it now! ;0)
Congrats on your news xx
I may even put a self-imposed post-9pm tech ban on myself. Or maybe not…
Oh that is AWESOME! Still intrigued by the other bits of your plans of course
Nothing too exciting Ben – just work and house stuff. The main bit is moving to Devon!
Grew up in Devon, forced to leave for work, hubby etc etc. Dream of going back (probably to the South of the moor too). Not long now hopefully. You’ll love it!
I hear such great things – can’t wait to get down there now!
That’s wonderful news! Having just done the relocation to the coast/near parents thing, I can honestly say it is absolutely awesome.
Congrats! How wonderful everything is coming together and being near folks is amazing! We don’t regret moving from London one bit! Cheers, here’s to your new start x
Lots of luck Molly, sounds very exciting! Enjoy xxx
Thanks Liz x
Oh Wow, Living in Devon is amazing! We spent a year there and it totally changed our lives. Wishing you much happiness in your new home.