It’s no secret that I am not a huge fan of exercise. OK, that may not be strictly true. I love Zumba, look forward to my Yoga classes and enjoy swimming. But at this time of year? When it’s pouring down outside and the cold weather has seeped into my bones? All I really want to do is lie on the sofa watching yet another episode of Breaking Bad.
Recently I joined the Netflix Stream Team. The perfect partner to indulge my love of the sofa, I thought. I received a kit so I could perfect my Netflix viewing, watching Walt and Jessie from my new iPad connected to my TV via a fancy cable. There was even popcorn. Settling down to begin my Netflix marathon I found an email.
#GetFitWithNetflix was the heading. Hang on a minute, I thought. This wasn’t part of the deal. They want me to get fit? I thought Netflix was all about watching my favourite TV shows and films in the comfort of my own home? What’s all this “Get Fit” nonsense?
It turns out you don’t HAVE to watch shows on Netflix while sitting on the sofa. You can actually *shock horror* exercise at the same time. I was sent some helpful suggestions for tailoring my workout in front of the TV, so I could fit it in with my busy work / mum schedule.
Now I’m going to be honest; I haven’t been feeling great this week. Most evenings I’ve been in bed by 10pm and, when I’ve not been at my computer working, I’ve been sleeping. So the Netflix workout suggestions haven’t been properly dusted off. But I’m keen to get my backside off that sofa, because I could find myself in my fifties before the rain outside stops and “proper” exercise becomes attractive again.
In the interests of sharing the load being helpful, here are some of the tips that Netflix has given me to exercise in front of the TV. These are all ideas for ways to workout while watching your favourite show or film. Don’t say I never give you anything…
The warm-up:
The leg routines:
The arm routines:
You can do any of the above while watching Breaking Bad, Mr Selfridge, Orange is the New Black – or any other of the countless films and TV series available on Netflix.
Anyone else feeling motivated to get moving now? My new regime starts Monday. Promise.
(Shut up. It really does start Monday.)
Oh my! I thought it was going to be a fitness routine film but… well, maybe Monday 😉
Yes…. maybe Monday!