A couple of weeks ago I was asked to think about what childhood means to me.
I thought.
And then I thought some more.
And then I thought again.
Every answer I came up with sounded incomplete and contrite. “Childhood means splashing in puddles”. Nope, not quite right. “Childhood means wallowing in unconditional love”. Well, sometimes – but it’s not everything about the formative years. “Childhood means….”
I mused on the subject during our week away and I drew a blank.
Until tonight, when I was scrolling through my phone for inspiration. For me, childhood isn’t about one thing. It’s about a whole set of things.
It’s about cold treats on a hot day.
It’s about searching for shells on a sandy beach.
It’s about breaking all the fashion rules. And not giving a hoot.
It’s about wearing Sir Elton John sunglasses. And, again, not giving a hoot.
It’s about walking hand in hand with your hero.
It’s about climbing frames and peekaboo.
It’s about rummaging through your mum’s jewellery box and stowing away the shiny things, like a magpie.
And once the day is over, it’s about falling into a deep and untroubled sleep, ready to do it all again in the morning.
This post was written as part of a blog hop organised by Merry over at Patch of Puddles, to raise awareness of the plight children are facing in West Africa.
Hunger and poverty mean they’re experiencing a very different childhood, going through things most adults wouldn’t be able to deal with – let alone kids.
Just £1 could make a difference. The charity World Vision has until 30th August to make the most of a matched funding scheme, which sees the government double every single £1 that is donated.
That money could put a glint of hope into the future for many of the children who’ve lost their childhood in West Africa.
And then maybe they’ll get to sleep the sleep of busy, playful children. The sleep of childhood.
If you’d like to help raise awareness, feel free to join the blog hop. Simply choose a picture you feel best represents childhood (as you can see, I cheated with more than one) and write about it.
Then include the link:
And tag two more people to join in.
I’m tagging -
Then tweet about it, share it on Pinterest, G+, Facebook and any other social networks you use, using the hashtag #LostChildhood.
All entries will be pinned to the WorldVision Pinterest Board and the best entries will feature on their blog too.
Amen to all that! x
Isn’t it fab to experience the best of childhood again through your own child? Lovely post, and I will join the blog hop when I get a chance.
We can’t wait to read it Lucy!
Fantastic cause and the cutest pics-will write this up soon!
Aren’t they? We’re just reading your post now – thank you!
Thank you Molly for taking part and sharing such lovely memories after your holiday! Childhood is about so many things and every child should be given the opportunity to experience it – no matter where they were born.
We’re featuring all these snaps on our pinterest wall – (pinterest.com/worldvisionuk/lost-childhood/) – we can’t wait to read Hello It’s Gemma and Honest Mum’s lost childhood posts!
beautiful x
Thanks ducks. x
The wonderful thing about this post is that it makes me realise that childhood continues into your 40s!
I hadn’t thought of it like that – you’re right!
I went all broody again looking at your gorgeous photos, so I must keep telling my daughter about the advantages of being a young Mum