Ever noticed how love makes even the most serious people say the silliest things?

While Shakespeare wrote sonnets and poets penned verses, real people like us know love is full of funny moments – from awkward first dates to arguing about who ate the last cookie.

These 501 quotes capture all those little moments that make relationships real and worth smiling about. They’re the perfect mix of sweet and silly that’ll remind you why love is worth every weird moment.

Get ready to laugh, nod in agreement, and maybe find the perfect words to share with someone special in your life.

Classic Funny Love Quotes

Classic Funny Love Quotes

1. “Love is sharing your popcorn. Even when you want it all to yourself.” – Unknown

2. “I love you more than pizza. And that’s saying a lot.” – Unknown

3. “You’re the peanut butter to my jelly.” – Unknown

4. “My love for you is like a fart – if I have to force it, it’s probably not good.” – Unknown

5. “You had me at ‘hello’… but I stayed for the snacks.” – Unknown

6. “I love you like a fat kid loves cake.” – 50 Cent

7. “Love is an endless act of forgiveness. And an endless act of ‘you left the socks on the floor again’.” – Unknown

8. “I love you even though you steal the covers and hog the bed.” – Unknown

9. “I’m much more me when I’m with you. And I’m much more lazy when you’re around.” – Unknown

10. “I love you more than coffee, but please don’t make me prove it.” – Unknown

11. “You’re the reason I look down at my phone and smile. And also the reason I’m late to everything.” – Unknown

12. “I love you like a cactus loves water.” – Unknown

13. “We go together like copy and paste.” – Unknown

14. “If I had a dollar for every time I thought of you, I’d be broke. Because I only think of you when I’m checking my phone.” – Unknown

15. “You’re the kind of person I want to annoy for the rest of my life.” – Unknown

16. “I love you more than chocolate, but don’t ask me to choose between you two.” – Unknown

17. “Love is all you need. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles Schulz

18. “I love you more than my cat. And my cat is pretty great.” – Unknown

19. “I love you like I love naps… it’s kind of a big deal.” – Unknown

20. “I’m yours. No refunds.” – Unknown

21. “You’re the cheese to my macaroni.” – Unknown

22. “I love you more than words can describe. But I’ll still find a way to complain about the dishes.” – Unknown

23. “You stole my heart, but I’ll let you keep it… just promise not to steal my fries.” – Unknown

24. “Love is being stupid together. And I’m pretty sure we’re winning at that.” – Unknown

25. “You’re the kind of person I want to annoy forever.” – Unknown

26. “I love you more than Netflix. And that’s saying something.” – Unknown

27. “You are the reason I laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger, and drink a little more coffee.” – Unknown

28. “I’ll always love you… even when you steal the covers.” – Unknown

29. “I am yours. No refunds, no exchanges.” – Unknown

30. “You’re the icing on my cupcake.” – Unknown

31. “I love you with all my belly. I would say heart, but my belly is bigger.” – Unknown

32. “You’re the reason I’m not getting anything done today.” – Unknown

33. “You had me at ‘I have pizza.'” – Unknown

34. “I love you like a dog loves food… it’s unconditional.” – Unknown

35. “You make me smile so much, I have to go see my dentist.” – Unknown

36. “Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.” – Pauline Thomason

37. “I think I love you, but I’ll need another nap to be sure.” – Unknown

38. “I love you even though you can’t dance. But I love you even more when you try.” – Unknown

39. “I love you more than I hate everyone else.” – Unknown

40. “Being with you feels like winning the lottery… but I still need to buy a ticket first.” – Unknown

41. “You had me at ‘I’m paying for dinner.'” – Unknown

42. “I love you like a cactus loves water… very rarely.” – Unknown

43. “I love you so much, I’d even share my fries with you.” – Unknown

44. “Let’s make a deal: I’ll love you forever, you make me coffee every morning.” – Unknown

45. “I love you more than naps, and that’s saying a lot.” – Unknown

46. “I love you even when you steal the blanket, eat my snacks, and ignore me during the game.” – Unknown

47. “You’re the one I want to annoy for the rest of my life.” – Unknown

48. “I’m so glad I found you. But I wouldn’t mind if you found the TV remote too.” – Unknown

49. “If I had to choose between you and chocolate, I’d choose you… but I’d still miss the chocolate.” – Unknown

50. “You are my today and all of my tomorrows. And also the reason I’m late to everything.” – Unknown

51. “I love you more than words can say. But I’ll keep trying anyway.” – Unknown

52. “You make my heart race… and sometimes my stomach, too.” – Unknown

53. “I would follow you anywhere… even to the couch, if there’s a snack.” – Unknown

54. “You’re the reason I wake up with a smile… and also the reason I’m tired all the time.” – Unknown

55. “I love you more than I love sleep. And that’s saying a lot.” – Unknown

56. “You’re my favourite notification.” – Unknown

57. “I’m not a morning person, but I’d wake up early just to see your face.” – Unknown

58. “You make me smile even when I’m mad at you.” – Unknown

59. “I love you to the moon and back… but not before my morning coffee.” – Unknown

60. “You are my sunshine… but also the reason I need sunglasses inside.” – Unknown

61. “I love you even though you’ve seen me at my worst… and still decide to stick around.” – Unknown

62. “You are the bacon to my eggs.” – Unknown

63. “You make life better, just like Wi-Fi.” – Unknown

64. “I love you more than my favourite pair of sweatpants. And that’s saying a lot.” – Unknown

65. “You’re the reason I check my phone during dinner.” – Unknown

66. “I’m not saying I’m perfect, but I’m pretty sure I’m the best match for you.” – Unknown

67. “Love is an adventure, and you are the reason I’m always lost.” – Unknown

68. “I love you because you laugh at my jokes… even when they’re not funny.” – Unknown

69. “I love you like a child loves candy… endlessly.” – Unknown

70. “You’re my favourite hello and my hardest goodbye.” – Unknown

71. “You’re my happily ever after, as long as we’re not out of snacks.” – Unknown

72. “I love you more than my bed… and I really love my bed.” – Unknown

73. “I love you, even when I’m hangry.” – Unknown

74. “You had me at ‘let’s skip the dishes tonight’.” – Unknown

75. “Love is like a fart. If you have to force it, it’s probably crap.” – Unknown

76. “I love you more than I love my phone. And that’s saying something.” – Unknown

77. “You make my heart flutter like a confused butterfly.” – Unknown

78. “I love you more than you love Netflix. And that’s a bold claim.” – Unknown

79. “Love means never having to say you’re sorry… except when you steal my fries.” – Unknown

80. “You’re the one I want to binge-watch Netflix with.” – Unknown

81. “Love is telling someone their outfit looks great even when it doesn’t.” – Unknown

82. “I love you more than naps, and that’s the highest form of love I know.” – Unknown

83. “You’re the one I want to be stuck in traffic with.” – Unknown

84. “I love you like a fat kid loves cake. Just keep feeding me your love.” – Unknown

85. “I love you even though you constantly forget to put the lid back on the peanut butter jar.” – Unknown

86. “Love is like a back rub… it’s better when you’re not the one giving it.” – Unknown

87. “You complete me… except when you steal the blankets.” – Unknown

88. “I love you like a plant loves sunshine.” – Unknown

89. “You’re my favourite distraction.” – Unknown

90. “I love you more than coffee… and I’m a coffee addict.” – Unknown

91. “You had me at ‘Do you want pizza?'” – Unknown

92. “You are my lobster.” – Phoebe Buffay, Friends

93. “I love you so much, I’m willing to share my fries with you.” – Unknown

94. “I love you to infinity… and beyond… as long as you keep bringing me snacks.” – Unknown

95. “You’re the person I want to annoy for the rest of my life.” – Unknown

96. “Love is knowing you will both survive each other’s awkward phases.” – Unknown

97. “I’m still not sure what love is, but I’m sure it’s you.” – Unknown

98. “Love is not having to say ‘I told you so’… even when you really want to.” – Unknown

99. “You make my heart skip a beat… just like when I see cake.” – Unknown

100. “You’re the person I want to be around even when I’m hangry.” – Unknown

101. “You had me at ‘I’m not bringing you to a family gathering’.” – Unknown

Funny Love Quotes About Relationships

Funny Love Quotes About Relationships

102. “In a relationship, one person is always right, and the other is the boyfriend.” – Unknown

103. “I love you more than pizza. But I’m not ready to commit to sharing it with you yet.” – Unknown

104. “I am currently accepting applications for a partner who likes to steal my food and watch Netflix with me.” – Unknown

105. “The secret to a happy relationship? It’s simple: Always let them have the last slice of pizza.” – Unknown

106. “We’re like a really small gang.” – Unknown

107. “Relationships are just two people asking each other, ‘What’s for dinner?’” – Unknown

108. “I love you more than my phone… but don’t ask me to prove it.” – Unknown

109. “Love means never having to say, ‘I’m sorry… but could you stop hogging the remote?'” – Unknown

110. “The best thing about being in a relationship is having someone to blame when you lose your keys.” – Unknown

111. “I love you even though you make me watch that movie for the hundredth time.” – Unknown

112. “Marriage is just a fancy word for adopting an overgrown child who can’t take care of himself.” – Unknown

113. “I’m not arguing. I’m just explaining why I’m right. And you’re wrong. But I still love you.” – Unknown

114. “I love you so much, even when you eat my fries without asking.” – Unknown

115. “Love is sharing your fries even when you don’t want to.” – Unknown

116. “A relationship is like a casserole: Only those who make it really know what goes in it.” – Unknown

117. “I love you more than naps. And that’s saying something.” – Unknown

118. “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.” – Unknown

119. “We are a perfect couple… just like a pizza and a side of garlic bread.” – Unknown

120. “In relationships, there are three words you should never say: ‘I was right.'” – Unknown

121. “Being in a relationship means being able to communicate without saying a word… usually with eye rolls.” – Unknown

122. “I love you more than I love my bed… and that’s hard to do.” – Unknown

123. “Sometimes I wonder if we’re in a relationship or just roommates who occasionally cuddle.” – Unknown

124. “Marriage: when ‘What’s for dinner?’ becomes the most important question of the day.” – Unknown

125. “You complete me… like a Wi-Fi connection and my phone.” – Unknown

126. “Love is not about how many times you say ‘I love you,’ but how many times you avoid fighting about who ate the last cookie.” – Unknown

127. “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together. Then I’d delete the letter ‘C’ for ‘conflict’.” – Unknown

128. “Love is all about accepting each other’s flaws. Especially when you steal the last slice of pizza.” – Unknown

129. “You’re my favourite notification. I’m sorry, other people.” – Unknown

130. “In relationships, every day is a good day when you can laugh at each other’s jokes. Or pretend to laugh.” – Unknown

131. “Love is like a fart. If you have to force it, it’s probably crap… But when it’s real, it smells amazing.” – Unknown

132. “I would do anything for you… Except give up my fries. Sorry, not sorry.” – Unknown

133. “True love is knowing that if you start a sentence with ‘I’m cold,’ they’ll immediately offer you their jacket… without asking for it back.” – Unknown

134. “I’m not saying I’m perfect, but I am probably the best person you’ve ever dated.” – Unknown

135. “We go together like coffee and a nap.” – Unknown

136. “Love is sharing the last slice of pizza… but it’s more fun when you pretend you’re not going to.” – Unknown

137. “I’m not saying we’re perfect together, but we both survived a trip to Ikea without breaking up.” – Unknown

138. “A relationship is when someone steals your blanket, and you still choose to stay.” – Unknown

139. “In a relationship, every argument is a battle… except when you’re fighting for the last piece of chocolate.” – Unknown

140. “You know you’re in love when you can’t go to bed without arguing about who loves who more.” – Unknown

141. “Love is all about compromise. Like when I wanted pizza, and you wanted sushi. And we ended up with both.” – Unknown

142. “Marriage is when a man and woman become one… and then the man spends the rest of his life trying to figure out which one.” – Unknown

143. “In every relationship, there’s one person who’s always right, and the other person is the one reading this quote.” – Unknown

144. “The best relationships are the ones that are just as goofy as they are romantic.” – Unknown

145. “We’re like a couple of mismatched socks… but somehow we work.” – Unknown

146. “I love you more than the internet… and that’s saying something.” – Unknown

147. “A relationship is like Wi-Fi. You can’t see it, but you know when it’s strong.” – Unknown

148. “You know you’re in love when you can’t stand the thought of them leaving… except when they take the last donut.” – Unknown

149. “The only thing more sacred than our love is our Netflix account.” – Unknown

150. “Love is finding someone whose quirks match yours and laughing about it forever.” – Unknown

151. “I’d follow you anywhere… even to the kitchen to grab a snack.” – Unknown

152. “A relationship is like a phone. If you don’t charge it, it dies.” – Unknown

153. “If love is a battlefield, I’m pretty sure we’re winning with our pillow fights.” – Unknown

154. “You make me laugh so much, it’s like being in love with a comedian who steals my fries.” – Unknown

155. “I’m not saying I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you, but I’m pretty close.” – Unknown

156. “A relationship is when two people try to figure out whose turn it is to take out the trash.” – Unknown

157. “I love you more than tacos… and that’s saying something.” – Unknown

158. “Love is knowing someone so well that you can finish their sentences… but you still argue about who’s right.” – Unknown

159. “The most romantic thing you can do is let them have the last piece of pizza.” – Unknown

160. “Relationships are about understanding the other person’s weirdness… and making it your own weirdness.” – Unknown

161. “I love you more than I love my blanket… and that’s saying something.” – Unknown

162. “Love is a partnership where you both secretly plot to get the other person to do the chores.” – Unknown

163. “In a relationship, sometimes the best thing you can do is laugh… and hope they don’t realize you just stole their last fry.” – Unknown

164. “I love you more than I love coffee… but don’t ask me to prove it before my first cup.” – Unknown

165. “You complete me… like a missing puzzle piece that I always lose under the couch.” – Unknown

166. “Love is when your significant other steals your hoodie, and you let them.” – Unknown

167. “The best relationships are the ones where you can fart in front of each other and still feel loved.” – Unknown

168. “I love you like I love sleeping… even though you snore, I’m still okay with it.” – Unknown

169. “Being in a relationship means being willing to compromise… like letting the other person control the TV remote.” – Unknown

170. “You’re the peanut butter to my jelly… but don’t ask me to share it with you.” – Unknown

171. “I’m so lucky to have you… mostly because you’re the one who brings snacks.” – Unknown

172. “A relationship is just two people who enjoy arguing about the same things for years.” – Unknown

173. “I’m still figuring out the recipe for our love… it involves pizza, though.” – Unknown

174. “Love is pretending you didn’t eat their fries when they weren’t looking.” – Unknown

175. “I love you even when you put the wrong Netflix series on.” – Unknown

176. “In a relationship, there are only two things that matter: Food and who’s in charge of the remote.” – Unknown

177. “I’m not saying we’re perfect, but I’m pretty sure we’re the most fun disaster.” – Unknown

178. “I love you like an introvert loves their alone time… but I’m still here.” – Unknown

179. “Love is when you argue about the dumbest things, and you still think they’re cute.” – Unknown

180. “You had me at ‘I brought dessert.’” – Unknown

181. “We go together like coffee and donut holes—totally inseparable.” – Unknown

182. “A perfect relationship is two people who can laugh at each other’s bad jokes… and still laugh when the other laughs.” – Unknown

183. “You and I are like a really small gang… but we’re still cool.” – Unknown

184. “Love is when you try to eat your meal, but someone keeps stealing fries from your plate. And you still love them.” – Unknown

185. “Our relationship is like a walk in the park… Jurassic Park.” – Unknown

186. “I love you so much that I’m willing to share my blanket with you… but not my snacks.” – Unknown

187. “Being in a relationship means I’ll always have someone to blame for my bad decisions.” – Unknown

188. “A relationship is when you can tell them your worst joke, and they’ll laugh like it’s a masterpiece.” – Unknown

189. “You don’t need a therapist when you have someone who will make fun of you in the best way.” – Unknown

190. “Love is like a game of Monopoly. You never really know who’s winning, but you’ll argue about it the whole time.” – Unknown

191. “If we were on a deserted island, I would share my food… but you’d still steal the last piece.” – Unknown

192. “I love you more than I love my pillow… and I REALLY love my pillow.” – Unknown

193. “True love is accepting each other’s weirdness. And laughing about it for hours.” – Unknown

194. “A relationship is like Wi-Fi: when you’re both connected, everything is great. When one person’s disconnected, chaos.” – Unknown

195. “I love you like I love naps—so much, I can’t function without you.” – Unknown

196. “I love you so much, I let you have the last slice of pizza… but only after some negotiation.” – Unknown

197. “We argue like we’re in a reality show, but at least we’re not voting each other off the island.” – Unknown

198. “The best relationships are the ones where both people pretend to like the same terrible TV shows.” – Unknown

199. “I would share my fries with you, but you’d probably steal them when I’m not looking.” – Unknown

200. “You complete me. Like a charger completes my phone.” – Unknown

Funny Love Quotes for Newlyweds

Funny Love Quotes for Newlyweds

201. “Marriage is finding that one person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” – Unknown

202. “I married my best friend. Now we just have to figure out who’s better at folding the laundry.” – Unknown

203. “I’m so glad I found you. Now, I can make you do all the chores for the rest of our lives.” – Unknown

204. “Marriage is just a fancy word for adopting a grown-up child who doesn’t listen.” – Unknown

205. “Marriage is the only war where you sleep with the enemy.” – Unknown

206. “I love you even when you steal the covers, and I still don’t get mad… mostly.” – Unknown

207. “We’re newlyweds, so we’re still learning how to fight… and how to blame each other for everything.” – Unknown

208. “The first year of marriage is like the honeymoon phase, except with more laundry and less romance.” – Unknown

209. “I married someone who understands me… mostly because they’ve learned to nod when I start talking about things I care about.” – Unknown

210. “Our wedding vows were simple: I promise to keep you fed, warm, and happy. But if you mess with the thermostat, I’ll change my mind.” – Unknown

211. “Love is sharing a bathroom with someone and still managing to fight over who left the toothpaste cap off.” – Unknown

212. “I married you because you make me laugh. Now I just need you to stop making me laugh when we’re supposed to be serious.” – Unknown

213. “In marriage, if the wife is happy, everyone’s happy. If the husband is happy, he has no idea what’s going on.” – Unknown

214. “I promise to always love you, even when I’m stealing the last slice of pizza… and pretending I didn’t.” – Unknown

215. “Marriage is a partnership where you’re both in charge of remembering anniversaries… but one of you always forgets.” – Unknown

216. “The best part about being married is having someone to blame when you forget something important.” – Unknown

217. “Being married is like having a built-in best friend… who also tells you to take out the trash.” – Unknown

218. “I still can’t believe you married me, but hey, I won the lottery!” – Unknown

219. “We’re married now, so that means your socks are mine and my socks are yours. Welcome to the world of mismatched laundry.” – Unknown

220. “I’m glad I found someone who can tolerate my crazy… and my obsession with snacks.” – Unknown

221. “Marriage is like a deck of cards. At the start, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end, you’re looking for a club and a spade.” – Unknown

222. “I promise to always love you… even when you change the Wi-Fi password without telling me.” – Unknown

223. “The secret to a happy marriage? Pretend you didn’t notice the toothpaste cap is missing.” – Unknown

224. “Marriage is about finding that one person you want to irritate for the rest of your life.” – Unknown

225. “I love you more than Wi-Fi… but if you touch the router, I may reconsider.” – Unknown

226. “Marriage is like a relationship with your fridge: you never really know what’s inside, but you’re still happy to see each other.” – Unknown

227. “I married you because you’re cute, but I’m staying with you because you’re hilarious.” – Unknown

228. “I’m so glad we got married. Now I don’t have to worry about swiping right ever again!” – Unknown

229. “Marriage is the art of making a house a home, one argument at a time.” – Unknown

230. “I married my best friend, but it turns out that was only half of the story… Now we argue about everything.” – Unknown

231. “Marriage is a relationship where one person is always right, and the other person is the husband.” – Unknown

232. “We’re a team. You handle the serious stuff, and I’ll handle the snacks.” – Unknown

233. “Marriage is all about teamwork. You take care of the dishes, I’ll take care of the arguments.” – Unknown

234. “They say marriage is like a roller coaster, but I think it’s more like a merry-go-round. We go in circles, but we still have fun!” – Unknown

235. “I can’t believe we’re married. I feel like just yesterday I was pretending I wasn’t planning our wedding in my head.” – Unknown

236. “Marriage is when your ‘I do’s’ turn into ‘Did you take out the trash?’” – Unknown

237. “I love you more than pizza, and that’s saying something. I’ll prove it by letting you have the last slice.” – Unknown

238. “You know you’re married when you start to think of your spouse as your unpaid therapist.” – Unknown

239. “I promise to love you, even when we’re both too lazy to cook and end up ordering pizza again.” – Unknown

240. “Marriage: the only relationship where you get to argue about who’s more tired after a long day of doing nothing.” – Unknown

241. “I’m so happy we got married. Now I can legally borrow your clothes.” – Unknown

242. “In marriage, there are two kinds of people: the one who remembers everything and the one who’s always asking where they left their keys.” – Unknown

243. “Being married means never having to say you’re sorry for stealing the covers… because you know you’ll do it again.” – Unknown

244. “I married you because you make me laugh… and also because you’re really good at reaching high shelves.” – Unknown

245. “I love you so much that I’m willing to share my chocolate with you. But don’t expect me to do that every time.” – Unknown

246. “Marriage is when your spouse says, ‘Let’s get ice cream,’ and you both end up with the same flavor.” – Unknown

247. “I married my best friend because I wanted someone who would laugh at my bad jokes for life.” – Unknown

248. “Marriage is a journey. Just make sure you’re both on the same GPS map when it comes to directions.” – Unknown

249. “I love you more than chocolate… but only if it’s dark chocolate and I get to have the last piece.” – Unknown

250. “Marriage is when you learn that ‘I’m fine’ means anything but fine.” – Unknown

251. “I married you because you make me laugh, and also because you can’t ever seem to find your keys.” – Unknown

252. “The first year of marriage is all about compromise… and pretending you like their favourite TV shows.” – Unknown

253. “Being married is like playing a lifelong game of Monopoly, except you’re both trying to avoid paying rent.” – Unknown

254. “I love you even though you make me share the bathroom, the bed, and the snacks.” – Unknown

255. “In marriage, it’s not about who’s right. It’s about who’s less wrong.” – Unknown

256. “Marriage is the only place where you can fight about everything… and still want to kiss each other at the end of the day.” – Unknown

257. “When we got married, I didn’t know I was signing up for 50 years of you stealing my side of the bed.” – Unknown

258. “I promise to love you even when you ask me to watch a show for the tenth time.” – Unknown

259. “Marriage: where ‘Sorry, I’m tired’ becomes the most common excuse for everything.” – Unknown

260. “We’re married, so I’m pretty sure my job is to make you laugh while you do all the real work.” – Unknown

261. “I married you because you make me feel special… even when you steal my fries.” – Unknown

262. “I married you because I couldn’t imagine spending my life without someone to annoy.” – Unknown

263. “Being married means you’re in charge of the remote control… until your spouse grabs it.” – Unknown

264. “I’m married to my best friend, so we’re basically two kids living in an adult world, trying to figure things out.” – Unknown

265. “Marriage is a great adventure… mostly because it involves a lot of snacks.” – Unknown

266. “I married you because you make me laugh… and you also make a mean grilled cheese sandwich.” – Unknown

267. “Marriage: when you realize you’ve never been so happy to do the dishes… just to avoid talking about feelings.” – Unknown

268. “In marriage, one person is always right, and the other is the person asking ‘Are you sure?’” – Unknown

269. “I promise to always love you, even when you

refuse to watch the movie I want to watch.” – Unknown

270. “I married you because you were the only one who laughed at my bad jokes. Now I have to keep you forever.” – Unknown

271. “Marriage is like a walk in the park… Jurassic Park.” – Unknown

272. “The first year of marriage is full of magic. You know, like the magic disappearing of all your free time.” – Unknown

273. “I married you because I couldn’t think of anything more fun than spending the rest of my life with you… and arguing over who gets the last slice of pizza.” – Unknown

274. “The secret to a happy marriage is… separate blankets.” – Unknown

275. “Marriage: when you realize your spouse is your best friend… but also the person who steals your fries.” – Unknown

276. “Being married means sharing everything… including your bad habits.” – Unknown

277. “I married you because you’re the only person who understands my weirdness… and still loves me anyway.” – Unknown

278. “I promise to always be your number one fan, unless we’re arguing over the remote.” – Unknown

279. “Marriage is a partnership where one person remembers everything, and the other person says, ‘What’s today?'” – Unknown

280. “Marriage is like a phone contract: You’re stuck with each other, but at least you get a discount on data!” – Unknown

281. “You had me at ‘I brought snacks.’ You’ll keep me forever if you keep doing that.” – Unknown

282. “Marriage is when two people become one… and then spend the next 50 years fighting over which one it should be.” – Unknown

283. “I promise to laugh at your jokes even when they’re terrible… as long as you laugh at mine too.” – Unknown

284. “Marriage: the only place where you can argue for 30 minutes over what’s for dinner and still end up eating pizza.” – Unknown

285. “I love you so much that I let you have the last piece of cake… this time.” – Unknown

286. “In marriage, you will find out the best way to settle disputes: agree to disagree… and then have a snack.” – Unknown

287. “I know we’re married now, but I still can’t believe I get to hang out with you all the time.” – Unknown

288. “The best part of marriage is having someone to blame when the house is messy.” – Unknown

289. “Marriage is a great teacher: it teaches you patience, forgiveness, and how to hide snacks from your spouse.” – Unknown

290. “The key to a successful marriage is to keep a sense of humor… and make sure your spouse knows where the chocolate stash is.” – Unknown

291. “In marriage, you’ll learn the real meaning of ‘compromise’… like sharing the last cookie but not the last piece of pizza.” – Unknown

292. “I married you because I wanted to be with you forever… and also because you’re the best at finding the remote control.” – Unknown

293. “Marriage is like a roller coaster ride: It’s scary at first, but then you’re like, ‘Why did we wait so long to do this?'” – Unknown

294. “I knew we were perfect for each other when I realized you’re the only one who can tolerate my morning face.” – Unknown

295. “Being married means never having to sleep alone… but also never having to sleep with the blanket on your side of the bed.” – Unknown

296. “Marriage is when you realize you’ll be spending the rest of your life with someone who steals your fries and still expects you to share.” – Unknown

297. “Marriage is like a mystery novel. You never know what’s going to happen next, but you’re pretty sure it’ll involve food.” – Unknown

298. “I married you because you’re the only one who knows how to make me laugh… and roll my eyes at the same time.” – Unknown

299. “I love you like a squirrel loves acorns… but I’ll still let you have the last one.” – Unknown

300. “Marriage is when you say, ‘I do,’ and then wonder if you’ve also said, ‘I will… share my fries for the rest of my life.'” – Unknown

Funny Love Quotes About Dating

Funny Love Quotes About Dating

301. “Dating is like a buffet—everyone’s trying a little bit of everything, but no one really knows what they want until they find the right dish.” – Unknown

302. “Dating is just a fancy word for ‘I’ll meet you, but I’ll also bring my best friend in case you turn out to be a weirdo.'” – Unknown

303. “Dating is the art of meeting someone new, pretending you don’t mind their quirks, and hoping they don’t find out yours.” – Unknown

304. “You know you’re in a relationship when you’re no longer impressing each other with your cooking skills… and you’ve both just agreed that pizza is the best option.” – Unknown

305. “I’d date you, but I’m too busy being obsessed with my own Netflix recommendations.” – Unknown

306. “Dating is like finding a unicorn: rare, magical, and you’ll probably fall in love with a horse that thinks it’s a unicorn.” – Unknown

307. “I love you because you understand my awkwardness… and still choose to date me.” – Unknown

308. “Dating is the only time in life when you look at someone and think, ‘You could be the one… or the one that turns out to be totally weird.'” – Unknown

309. “Dating is just a way to practice saying ‘I love you’ without sounding like you’re trying too hard.” – Unknown

310. “I don’t want a perfect relationship. I just want one where we can eat pizza in our pajamas and call it a date.” – Unknown

311. “Dating is just a job interview for a lifelong position as ‘my person.’” – Unknown

312. “I used to be picky with dating. Now I just want someone who shares their fries with me.” – Unknown

313. “You know you’re dating someone special when they can make you laugh and hold your hand without causing an awkward moment.” – Unknown

314. “Dating is like a puzzle: you have to find the right piece, but first, you have to try every wrong one.” – Unknown

315. “The best part about dating is finding someone who tolerates your weirdness and calls it ‘charm.'” – Unknown

316. “Dating is just a fancy word for ‘getting to know your weirdness before you decide if it’s worth it.'” – Unknown

317. “I’ve found my soulmate. Now, let’s see how long it takes for one of us to ruin dinner.” – Unknown

318. “Dating is trying to act normal while secretly judging the other person’s taste in movies.” – Unknown

319. “You don’t need a dating app when you’ve got the ability to swipe left on awkwardness.” – Unknown

320. “The best thing about dating is that you don’t need to pretend to be someone you’re not… except when you’re pretending to be cool with their favourite band.” – Unknown

321. “Dating is about finding someone who doesn’t mind your quirks, but still thinks you’re cute.” – Unknown

322. “I’m in a relationship with food… and I think dating would just complicate things.” – Unknown

323. “Dating: when you spend hours trying to figure out if they’re ‘the one’ or just someone you can eat tacos with.” – Unknown

324. “The most important question on a first date: ‘Do you want to split dessert, or is that too much commitment?'” – Unknown

325. “Dating is about discovering someone’s weird habits… and deciding which ones you can tolerate.” – Unknown

326. “I didn’t know what love was until I went on a date and realized they’re the only person I’d share my fries with.” – Unknown

327. “Dating is fun when you find someone who can make you laugh and love your awkwardness.” – Unknown

328. “I’m not saying you’re the one, but I will eat pizza with you for the rest of my life if you’re willing.” – Unknown

329. “Dating is just finding out how many times you can look at each other and still laugh at the same inside jokes.” – Unknown

330. “I’m dating someone who’s perfect… except for that one thing they do that drives me crazy. But it’s cute, so I let it slide.” – Unknown

331. “First dates: a weird mix of excitement, nerves, and hoping the other person doesn’t order the last slice of pizza.” – Unknown

332. “The best part of dating is when you both agree that the relationship goal is just surviving until dessert.” – Unknown

333. “I can’t believe I’m dating you… but also, I can’t believe you’re still willing to date me after all my weird habits.” – Unknown

334. “Dating is realizing that you don’t have to have a perfect life—just a pizza-loving partner.” – Unknown

335. “Dating is pretending to be normal while secretly wondering when the weird stuff will come out.” – Unknown

336. “I love dating you because you’re the only person who knows how to tolerate my love for Netflix and snacks.” – Unknown

337. “Dating is about finding someone who not only accepts your weirdness but matches it with their own.” – Unknown

338. “I’m dating you because you can finish my sentences… and my fries.” – Unknown

339. “Dating is the one time you can show someone all of your worst habits and still have them stick around.” – Unknown

340. “I know we’ve only been dating for a little while, but I’m already considering us a brunch team.” – Unknown

341. “Dating is figuring out if you like each other’s quirks enough to survive sharing a Netflix account.” – Unknown

342. “I don’t need a love story. I just need someone who laughs at my bad jokes and is okay with my weird dance moves.” – Unknown

343. “The best part of dating is learning how to compromise… like agreeing that you both want the same pizza toppings.” – Unknown

344. “Dating is like the search for the perfect pair of jeans: sometimes it fits, sometimes it’s too tight, but you keep trying until it works.” – Unknown

345. “I love that our idea of a date night is eating junk food while binge-watching a series neither of us are actually paying attention to.” – Unknown

346. “Dating is not about finding someone perfect… it’s about finding someone who loves your imperfect humor.” – Unknown

347. “The first rule of dating: never talk about the ex, but always talk about how much you love food.” – Unknown

348. “I love dating you because it’s like being on a never-ending adventure… one where we get lost together, but find the best pizza.” – Unknown

349. “Dating is all about finding someone whose quirks match yours… or at least someone who doesn’t mind how weird you are.” – Unknown

350. “If we can survive a first date without accidentally spilling anything on ourselves, we might be able to survive this relationship.” – Unknown

351. “I think I’m dating a magician. Every time I look at my phone, you’ve texted me something funny.” – Unknown

352. “The secret to dating is knowing when to shut up… and when to order more dessert.” – Unknown

353. “I’m not saying you’re the one… but you’re definitely the one I want to share my fries with.” – Unknown

354. “The best way to impress me on a date is to bring dessert… and more dessert.” – Unknown

355. “Dating is the process of finding someone you can annoy for the rest of your life.” – Unknown

356. “I’m not saying we’re a perfect match, but we both really love pizza and we both think pineapple should be a topping.” – Unknown

357. “I knew we were meant to be when we both reached for the last cookie at the same time… and fought over it like it was the last slice of pizza.” – Unknown

358. “Dating is when you finally find someone who makes you feel comfortable enough to be your weird self… and they still want to date you.” – Unknown

359. “You know you’re dating someone special when you can share your fries and still want more.” – Unknown

360. “I’m dating you because you don’t mind watching reruns of my favourite shows for the tenth time.” – Unknown

361. “Dating is just a trial run for marriage… except no one’s forcing you to share your fries yet.” – Unknown

362. “I’m dating you because I want someone to share my bad decisions with.” – Unknown

363. “The best part of dating is discovering someone else’s quirks… and then deciding if they’re cute or just annoying.” – Unknown

364. “Dating is just a fancy way of saying ‘Let’s see how long it takes before we both get weirded out by each other’s eating habits.'” – Unknown

365. “I knew I loved you when you stole my fries… and I didn’t even care.” – Unknown

366. “Dating

is when you finally find someone who understands your obsession with pizza and just rolls with it.” – Unknown

367. “We’re not dating, we’re just practicing for our future together as professional snackers.” – Unknown

368. “I’m dating you because you know my worst habits and still think I’m cute.” – Unknown

369. “Dating is like a test run for marriage, but without the laundry and the long-term commitment to cooking.” – Unknown

370. “You’re the peanut butter to my jelly… or the pineapple to my pizza, depending on the day.” – Unknown

371. “Dating is all fun and games until someone orders pineapple on pizza.” – Unknown

372. “I’m not saying you’re perfect, but you’re definitely my favourite person to send memes to.” – Unknown

373. “Dating is like a job interview… except you’re both pretending you’re not googling each other’s past relationships.” – Unknown

374. “I love you like I love pizza… so basically, always and without question.” – Unknown

375. “The real question on a date is, ‘Do I have time to tell you all my embarrassing stories, or should I save them for later?’” – Unknown

376. “Dating is like a rollercoaster. You’re scared, thrilled, and sometimes it makes you want to puke—but you stay on for the ride.” – Unknown

377. “The best part about dating is you get to be weird with someone who is weird, too.” – Unknown

378. “I like my men like I like my coffee… hot, strong, and able to keep me awake during movies.” – Unknown

379. “I thought I knew what I wanted in a partner, but then I met you and I realized I just need someone who shares their fries with me.” – Unknown

380. “Dating is just like shopping. You look, you try, and if it’s a perfect fit, you buy it… or you leave it in the fitting room and pretend it never happened.” – Unknown

381. “I’m not saying we’re soulmates, but we both reached for the last cookie at the same time.” – Unknown

382. “I knew I was in love when I realized I was willing to share my fries with you.” – Unknown

383. “Dating is the only time in life when you can look awkward and still be charming.” – Unknown

384. “On a date, it’s important to always be yourself… unless you’re weird, then maybe be someone else for a few hours.” – Unknown

385. “I love that we’ve reached the point where we can send each other weird texts and still call it flirting.” – Unknown

386. “First dates are all about making a good impression. But let’s be honest, we both know we’ll be eating pizza and talking about our favourite TV shows.” – Unknown

387. “You know it’s true love when you’re willing to fight over the last piece of dessert.” – Unknown

388. “Dating is about finding someone who can laugh at your bad jokes and still think you’re funny.” – Unknown

389. “I’m not saying I love you, but I’ll totally let you pick the Netflix show we watch tonight.” – Unknown

390. “Dating is like a buffet. You try a little bit of everything before deciding if you want more.” – Unknown

391. “I’m dating you because you make me laugh. And also, you don’t mind when I steal your fries.” – Unknown

392. “I don’t know if I’m in love with you, but I’m definitely in love with your snacks.” – Unknown

393. “I think the key to a successful relationship is never fighting over the TV remote. Let’s be real, we both know it’s mine.” – Unknown

394. “If we can survive this first date, we can survive anything… even a long drive together with no music.” – Unknown

395. “I’m not saying I love you, but you’re definitely the one I want to text at 3 AM to tell you I’m watching a weird documentary.” – Unknown

396. “Dating is like trying on shoes… you walk around a little, and if they feel right, you commit.” – Unknown

397. “I’m dating you because you’re the only one who’ll let me eat an entire pizza by myself and still think it’s cute.” – Unknown

398. “Dating is figuring out if you can handle their awkwardness in public… and if they can handle yours.” – Unknown

399. “You know you’re dating the right person when they laugh at your weirdest jokes and still want to hang out with you.” – Unknown

400. “I love you more than pizza… but don’t test me on that.” – Unknown

Quirky and Unexpected Love Quotes

Quirky and Unexpected Love Quotes

401. “You’re the avocado to my toast—without you, life feels incomplete, but with you, it’s perfection.” – Unknown

402. “I love you more than my favourite pair of socks, and trust me, that’s saying something.” – Unknown

403. “Love is finding someone who will give you their last bite of food… and not make you feel guilty about it.” – Unknown

404. “I never believed in love at first sight, but then I saw you and realized I’d already swiped right.” – Unknown

405. “If we were a TV show, I’d definitely be the quirky sidekick who keeps making you laugh.” – Unknown

406. “You had me at ‘Can we split dessert?'” – Unknown

407. “I love you like I love Wi-Fi—unconditionally, but I may get a little grumpy when the connection’s bad.” – Unknown

408. “If we were both socks, we’d be the perfect match—comfy, cozy, and always together.” – Unknown

409. “You’re my favourite notification. I don’t even mind the sound of your name popping up.” – Unknown

410. “Love is like a pancake—sometimes it’s sweet, sometimes it’s messy, but it’s always better with syrup.” – Unknown

411. “You’re like a banana to my smoothie—essential and sweet, but I’m still surprised you go so well together.” – Unknown

412. “I think we’d make a great couple. You bring the sweetness, I’ll bring the sarcasm.” – Unknown

413. “I love you more than pizza, but let’s be honest, that’s only because I haven’t had pizza yet today.” – Unknown

414. “You are the reason I get distracted in meetings… but I promise I’m listening… sometimes.” – Unknown

415. “I love you like I love my bed after a long day—comforting, warm, and impossible to leave.” – Unknown

416. “If love were a sport, we’d be a perfect team. You’re the strategy, I’m the weird move that somehow works.” – Unknown

417. “I love you more than coffee… and that’s saying a lot because I’m basically 50% caffeine.” – Unknown

418. “You’re the marshmallow to my hot chocolate—soft, sweet, and completely essential.” – Unknown

419. “Love is sharing your snacks with someone who’s already eaten all their own.” – Unknown

420. “We may not be perfect, but together, we’re like peanut butter and jelly—mismatched, but always right.” – Unknown

421. “If I had a penny for every time I thought of you, I’d be rich enough to buy you all the coffee in the world.” – Unknown

422. “You’re the reason I lose track of time and forget to reply to texts. But it’s your fault for being so interesting.” – Unknown

423. “You’re the only one who can make me laugh until my cheeks hurt and my stomach is sore.” – Unknown

424. “I love you so much, I’d let you have the last piece of chocolate… but only if you insist.” – Unknown

425. “You’re the Wi-Fi to my phone—without you, I’m completely lost.” – Unknown

426. “Being with you is like my favourite song on repeat—it never gets old.” – Unknown

427. “I’m not saying you’re perfect, but you’re definitely the best thing that’s happened to my pizza order.” – Unknown

428. “I love you so much, I’m willing to share my fries with you, and that’s saying a lot.” – Unknown

429. “You’re the peanut butter to my jelly—together we make life a little sweeter.” – Unknown

430. “I would share my Netflix password with you, but let’s be real—I’m scared you’ll mess up my recommendations.” – Unknown

431. “I’m dating you because you laugh at my jokes, and let’s face it, that’s the real test of love.” – Unknown

432. “You’re my favourite person to go to the grocery store with… even though we just end up with snacks.” – Unknown

433. “If we were both ice cream, I’d be the sprinkles, and you’d be the hot fudge.” – Unknown

434. “You’re the reason I can’t focus in class, but at least I’m learning about love.” – Unknown

435. “If love were a pizza, you’d be the extra cheese—just the right amount of extra to make everything better.” – Unknown

436. “I’m not saying I’m obsessed with you, but I’m pretty sure I’d choose you over my phone. And that’s a big deal.” – Unknown

437. “Being in love is like being in a movie. Except the popcorn’s endless, and I can’t stop staring at you.” – Unknown

438. “I love you more than Wi-Fi, and that’s saying a lot because I can’t even focus without it.” – Unknown

439. “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together… but honestly, I’d rather just leave it as it is so I can keep texting you.” – Unknown

440. “You’re the reason I wake up smiling every day… unless I stayed up too late watching Netflix.” – Unknown

441. “I can’t promise to always agree with you, but I can promise to laugh at all your bad jokes.” – Unknown

442. “We’re like a software update—no one asked for us, but once we’re together, we’re impossible to ignore.” – Unknown

443. “You’re my favourite notification, and I swear I check my phone just to see you pop up.” – Unknown

444. “I love you like I love snacks—always there when I need them, and never too far away.” – Unknown

445. “If love were a competition, you’d win first place… and I’d still ask for a recount because you’re that good.” – Unknown

446. “I love you like I love naps—sudden, essential, and always better with you by my side.” – Unknown

447. “Being with you is like being in a coffee shop—cozy, warm, and I never want to leave.” – Unknown

448. “I love you like my favourite pair of sweatpants—comfy, familiar, and perfect for lazy days.” – Unknown

449. “I’ll love you forever, or at least until I finish my dessert—then I’ll love you again.” – Unknown

450. “You’re my favourite person to text, even though I spend more time thinking about what to say than actually saying it.” – Unknown

451. “I love you more than tacos… and if you knew how much I love tacos, you’d understand how serious that is.” – Unknown

452. “We’re like a perfect playlist—each song a little different, but together we’re amazing.” – Unknown

453. “You make me feel like I’m in a rom-com, except we’re the quirky side characters, and I’m here for it.” – Unknown

454. “I love you more than the last slice of pizza… but I still want that last slice.” – Unknown

455. “If you were a vegetable, you’d be a ‘cute-cumber.’” – Unknown

456. “I love you so much that I’m willing to watch your favourite movie for the tenth time, even though I secretly don’t get it.” – Unknown

457. “You’re like a donut to my coffee—sweet, essential, and impossible to resist.” – Unknown

458. “I’d say I love you to the moon and back, but I’d rather just stay here on Earth with you.” – Unknown

459. “You’re the reason I wake up with a smile… or maybe it’s just the thought of coffee, but mostly you.” – Unknown

460. “I love you like I love Wi-Fi—if you disappear for too long, I start to feel lost.” – Unknown

461. “You and I are like two puzzle pieces, always fitting perfectly together… unless I mess it up by flipping one of us over.” – Unknown

462. “You’re the ice cream to my cone—without you, life would be bland and boring.” – Unknown

463. “I’m not saying I love you, but you’re the reason I’ve been smiling uncontrollably all day.” – Unknown

464. “I love you more than pizza… but I’ll never admit it while I’m eating pizza.” – Unknown

465. “You’re my favourite person to be with… mostly because you never judge me for eating cookies in bed.” – Unknown

466. “I love you like I love weekends—unpredictable, cozy, and I never want them to end.” – Unknown

467. “If I were to write a love letter to you, it would just say, ‘You complete my snack obsession.’” – Unknown

468. “I don’t need a fancy dinner, just some chips, salsa, and you.” – Unknown

469. “If love were a game, I’d be willing to lose just to see your smile.” – Unknown

470. “You’re the reason I check my phone every two minutes, just hoping for a message from you.” – Unknown

471. “I love you like Netflix loves ‘Are you still watching?’—endlessly and without hesitation.” – Unknown

472. “You’re my favourite reason to cancel plans. Sorry, not sorry.” – Unknown

473. “I love you more than my favourite pair of jeans—if they fit, you’re a keeper!” – Unknown

474. “You’re the ketchup to my fries—essential, unexpected, and totally necessary.” – Unknown

475. “I’m not saying I’m obsessed with you, but I do check your social media more than I check my bank balance.” – Unknown

476. “You’re the reason I look at my phone and smile… then realize I’ve been holding it for 10 minutes and forget why.” – Unknown

477. “Love is like a cloud—sometimes fluffy and light, sometimes heavy and unpredictable, but always there.” – Unknown

478. “You’re the reason I spend 30 minutes picking the perfect emoji to send you. And I still never send it.” – Unknown

479. “I’m not saying I’m obsessed with you, but I do know the way to your heart… and it’s through pizza.” – Unknown

480. “Love is being able to laugh at each other’s weirdness and still think they’re the cutest thing ever.” – Unknown

481. “I’d follow you to the ends of the earth, but I’d prefer we start with the pizza place down the street.” – Unknown

482. “I love you like a cat loves napping—constantly, without warning, and in the weirdest positions.” – Unknown

483. “I could give up chocolate, but I’m not willing to give up you. You’re my sweet treat.” – Unknown

484. “If I had a time machine, I’d go back to the moment I met you and tell myself to stop pretending to be cool.” – Unknown

485. “You’re the reason I smile like a goofball when I hear your name… and sometimes when I think of food.” – Unknown

486. “Love is like a snack—sometimes you don’t know you need it until it’s right in front of you.” – Unknown

487. “You’re the butter to my toast, the reason I wake up and start my day with a smile (and coffee).” – Unknown

488. “You make me laugh so hard, it’s like I’m in a sitcom… except with fewer laugh tracks.” – Unknown

489. “You’re like a surprise gift I didn’t know I needed, but now I can’t imagine life without you.” – Unknown

490. “Love is when you stop caring about how weird you are and embrace how weird your partner is, too.” – Unknown

491. “I love you like I love naps—unexpected, cozy, and always better than I imagined.” – Unknown

492. “I didn’t know I needed you until I realized that life without you would be like a cake without frosting—still good, but not quite as sweet.” – Unknown

493. “You’re like my favourite playlist—never get tired of hearing you, no matter how many times I press repeat.” – Unknown

494. “If we were both cupcakes, you’d be the frosting, and I’d be the one trying to lick it all off.” – Unknown

495. “You and I are like socks in a dryer—always tumbling around, but somehow always finding our way back to each other.” – Unknown

496. “Love is when you can have a serious conversation about nothing and still be completely entertained.” – Unknown

497. “I don’t need a knight in shining armour. I need someone who will laugh at my bad puns.” – Unknown

498. “If I had a dollar for every time I thought about you, I’d have just enough to buy us both a pizza.” – Unknown

499. “You’re my favourite reason to cancel plans and stay in bed all day.” – Unknown

500. “Love is like a Wi-Fi signal—sometimes it’s strong, sometimes it’s weak, but it’s always better when it’s close.” – Unknown

501. “You’re like the perfect cup of coffee—hot, comforting, and a little bit addictive.” – Unknown


Remember how we started with love, making even serious people say silly things?

These 501 quotes prove that point perfectly.

From playful jabs about relationships to sweet observations about sharing life’s funny moments, each quote shows how love and laughter go hand in hand.

These quotes are more than just words – they’re little reminders that the best relationships are filled with as many laughs as loving moments. Sometimes, it’s those shared giggles that keep love strong.

Want to make someone smile today?

Pick your favorite quote and share it with them. Or better yet, leave a comment below with your own funny love story – we’d love to hear what makes you laugh together!

Joshua Kelly

Joshua Kelly

Joshua Kelly, a Psychology graduate from Stanford University, has been helping our readers navigate the complexities of relationships and social dynamics since 2016. With 15 years of experience as a relationship counselor and therapist, Joshua has a deep understanding of human behavior and the factors that contribute to healthy, fulfilling relationships. His articles offer practical advice and insights to help readers build stronger connections with others and enhance their social skills.


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