Tarot Card Meanings for Fertility, Pregnancy, and Birth

Whether you’re new to tarot or have been engaged in this mystical practice for a while, you definitely know that it’s more than ‘the other future prediction tool’ but a versatile instrument used to clarify various aspects of life. Considering this versatility, it’s no wonder that tarot cards are now used to deal with fertility, pregnancy, and giving birth to a new life.

After all, pregnancy is a very delicate situation, usually surrounded by gazillions of whys and hows. That is why ladies expecting a baby use cards to combat their fears, untangle their hopes and make all things clear when it comes to motherhood. Below, we’ll talk about the tarot cards that are most relevant for pregnancy and discuss the ways you might interpret them.

Ready, steady, shuffle!

The Fool

The Fool

OK, what do we see on a good old The Fool card? It’s a manifest of youth, which is cheerful and just at the beginning of its long journey. There’s a dog accompanying the card character, who is (by the way!) usually walking at the cliff’s edge. On the one hand, what you see on The Fool card doesn’t give much hope and peace of mind, especially when it comes to pregnancy. However, it’s one of the best cards to pull when you do pregnancy reading.

If you struggle to clarify tarot card meanings, online tarot reading gurus at the TarotAtlas platform can help and guide you. In general, the card proves that you’re anxious about your current situation and the unknown that it makes you face. But the good news is that you have someone to support you (partner, family, friends, etc.) as you step into the wonderful world called motherhood.

The Sun

The trick is that The Sun has nothing really to do with pregnancy. Nonetheless, if you happen to draw it, this symbol of joy and vitality is the manifestation of the most positive outcome for your pregnancy. In other words, The Sun is the answer to the question of whether your biggest dream is going to come true. When drawing cards for your pregnancy, The Sun should be seen as an actual Sun coming out of the clouds and shedding light on you and your baby.

It’s the sign that things will go smoothly, and you’ll end up with a healthy child ready to face a new page of life filled with the happiness of motherhood and a new, unique experience. If you aren’t enceinte yet, The Sun might be a sort of relief if infertility is something that bothers you. Consider this card as a reminder of the other aspects of life that you may find joy and solace in.

The Star

While the card is not related to expecting a baby, it’s still a favorable sign, giving you hope. The key peculiarity of The Star card that you have to keep in mind is potential. Whatever question you have in mind, this card of rebirth always gives you the yes answer. Whenever you are looking for reassurance, The Star gives you the hope that your dreams and wishes are going to come true.

It’s solid proof that you’re on the right way, moving in the right direction, and enjoying the benefits as you go. Plus, in a tarot pregnancy reading, this card reminds you that there is always someone to support you and that you are never alone in your motherhood journey. You’ll get there and create the life you desire and deserve.

The Moon

Wallowing in mystery, The Moon card is one of the best symbols of pregnancy in the deck of tarot cards. Why? Well, let us face the truth – pregnancy usually happens unexpectedly. While a lot of women plan this special moment, many ladies are pretty much surprised by this delicate condition that a test confirms all of a sudden.

What is more, The Moon might tell the story of a couple that has been trying for a long time without any positive outcomes; however, at some point, they find out they’re going to become parents soon. In other words, pregnancy pops up unexpectedly, like a mysterious surprise that you could not even hope for. That’s what The Moon card is about.

The Empress

The Empress

Meet The Empress – the most promising card when doing the reading session for pregnancy. The best thing about The Empress is that even if you aren’t carrying a child and do not ask questions related to fertility, the card is still related to motherhood, birth, and fertility. After all, take a look at the empress herself!

She’s usually depicted as a woman expecting a baby. Plus, the card is also the symbol of acceptance. To cut a long story short, you are going to be a happy mother.

To add more, you should take a look at The Empress as a reminder of your own mother. Your task is to stay away from the mistakes she made. As you do your reading, and it’s The Emperor that you draw, consider this card as the symbol of fatherhood. If you do a tarot reading session for a man, chances are he may soon become a daddy.

The World

The symbol of a successful process – The World – indicates that your pregnancy will have a safe and sound outcome. There is literally nothing to worry about! Typically, this card is a meaningful one for ladies far along in their pregnancy journey. It’s just the other proof that things will have a natural and smooth conclusion.

Aren’t enceinte yet? Consider this tarot card the end of one page of your life and the beginning of the other. Chances are the next chapter will go about pregnancy.

The Hanged Man

Anticipation, waiting, suspending – these are the words that best describe The Hanged Man card. A lot of readers consider this card a bit ill-omened; however, if you’re busy with the pregnancy reading, it goes about the nine months that you spend expecting your pumpkin. What is more, The Hanged Man may also be the sign you’ve been expecting to finally let go of the obsessive thoughts about becoming pregnant. The card might tell you to wait a bit more to conceive or reconsider your expectations.

Kevin King

Kevin King

Kevin King, a graduate of Harvard University with a degree in Philosophy, has been a vital member of our team since 2015. With his diverse knowledge and insatiable curiosity, Kevin tackles a wide range of general questions in his articles, providing thoughtful and well-researched answers. His 15 years of experience as a writer and researcher have equipped him with the skills to break down complex topics and make them accessible to readers.


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