scary games to play with friends in real life

Hey there! Want to make your next group hangout more fun?

These spooky games are perfect for when friends get together at night.Some games will make you jump, while others will make you laugh and scream.

You don’t need much to play—most games use stuff you have at home, like flashlights or paper.

Every game in this guide comes with simple steps and safety tips to keep everyone happy.

Whether you’re new to spooky games or play them all the time, you’ll find something fun here.

List of 60 Scary Games to Play With Friends

1. Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board

Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board

A classic game that creates the feeling of making someone float with minimal effort.

Objective: Make a person feel like they’re floating by lifting them with just two fingers.

Number of Players: 4-6 people

Materials Needed: None

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Choose one person to lie down on their back on a carpeted floor or soft surface
  2. Have all other players kneel around the person, evenly spaced
  3. Each player places two fingers (index and middle) under the lying person’s body – some at shoulders, others at waist, legs
  4. The group starts chanting “Light as a feather, stiff as a board” slowly together
  5. After chanting for 30 seconds, players try lifting the person using only two fingers
  6. If it doesn’t work first time, lower person gently and repeat chant
  7. Continue until person feels lighter and can be lifted
  8. Hold position for 10 seconds
  9. Slowly lower person back down
  10. Help person sit up slowly


  • Play on a carpeted surface or soft area
  • Keep the person’s head supported
  • Don’t drop the person

2. Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary

A mirror-based game played in darkness.

Objective: Test your bravery by trying to summon an entity in a mirror.

Number of Players: 1-3 people

Materials Needed:

  • Bathroom or room with a mirror
  • Candle
  • Matches

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Enter bathroom and shut door completely
  2. Turn off all lights in bathroom and surrounding areas
  3. Light one candle and place it safely away from flammable items
  4. Stand directly in front of mirror, about arm’s length away
  5. Take three deep breaths to prepare
  6. Say “Bloody Mary” clearly three times in a row
  7. Keep eyes fixed on mirror throughout the entire process
  8. Wait in silence for 30 seconds
  9. If nothing happens, wait another 30 seconds
  10. Turn on lights before leaving bathroom
  11. Exit bathroom backward, keeping eyes on mirror
  12. Close door immediately after exit


  • Keep bathroom door unlocked
  • Have a light switch within reach
  • Don’t play alone
  • Keep matches away from flammable items

3. The Elevator Game

The Elevator Game

A solo game played in an elevator, testing nerves and patience.

Objective: Follow a specific pattern of floor buttons to test your courage.

Number of Players: 1 person

Materials Needed:

  • Building with at least 10 floors
  • Working elevator

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Access an elevator with at least 10 floors.
  2. Step into the elevator on the first floor and press the button for the fourth floor.
  3. When the elevator reaches the fourth floor, do not exit. Instead, press the button for the second floor.
  4. Continue repeating this sequence, pressing specific floor buttons, until you reach the tenth floor.
  5. You may encounter a ghostly woman during this process.


  • Play during building open hours
  • Make sure elevator is well-maintained
  • Keep phone charged for emergencies
  • Tell someone where you are

4. Ouija Board

Ouija Board

A board game used to try communicating with spirits.

Objective: Ask questions and receive answers through a moving pointer.

Number of Players: 2-4 people

Materials Needed:

  • Ouija board
  • Planchet (pointer)
  • Table
  • Candle (optional)

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Place board on flat surface at table height
  2. Have all players sit around board with space to see
  3. Place planchette in center of board
  4. Each player places two fingers lightly on planchette
  5. Choose one person to be the speaker
  6. Speaker says “Is anyone here?” clearly
  7. Wait 30 seconds for movement
  8. If planchette moves to ‘Hello,’ continue
  9. Ask one question at a time, waiting between each
  10. Watch planchette movement for answers
  11. Don’t remove fingers during session
  12. Don’t ask about death or harm
  13. When finished, move planchette to ‘Goodbye’
  14. Wait for spirit to respond
  15. Only remove hands after response


  • Never play alone
  • Don’t ask about death dates
  • Always say goodbye
  • Keep mood serious and respectful

5. Hide and Seek in the Dark

Hide and Seek in the Dark

A scarier version of regular hide and seek played without lights.

Objective: Find all hidden players in complete darkness.

Number of Players: 4-8 people

Materials Needed:

  • Large indoor space
  • Flashlight (optional)

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Choose one player to be “it” and have them close their eyes while the others hide.
  2. The “it” player will then try to find the hidden players by listening for sounds or seeing movement in the dark.
  3. If a player is found, they must make a loud, frightening scream to alert the other players.
  4. The first player found becomes the new “it” for the next round.


  • Clear floor of tripping hazards
  • Set clear boundaries
  • Have emergency light ready
  • Know layout of space well

6. Manhunt


An outdoor version of hide and seek played at night.

Objective: One team hunts another team in the dark.

Number of Players: 8-20 people

Materials Needed:

  • Outdoor space with hiding spots
  • Flashlights
  • Different colored bands for teams

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Divide the players into two teams: hunters and prey.
  2. The hunters will hide first, while the prey try to sneak around and avoid being caught.
  3. When a prey player is caught, they become a hunter for the next round.
  4. The game continues until all the prey have been caught and converted to hunters.
  5. Team with fastest catch time wins.


  • Set clear boundaries
  • Use buddy system
  • Keep phones charged
  • Stay in safe areas
  • Wear good running shoes

7. The Midnight Game

The Midnight Game

A nighttime ritual game testing endurance.

Objective: Stay safe from midnight until 3:33 AM while moving around.

Number of Players: 1-4 people

Materials Needed:

  • Candle for each player
  • Salt
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Matches/lighter
  • Clock

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Write your full name and a drop of your own blood on a piece of paper.
  2. Place the paper in front of a closed wooden door and light a candle on top of it.
  3. At midnight, knock on the door 22 times, with the last knock landing exactly at midnight.
  4. Open the door, blow out the candle, and close the door again.
  5. Spend the next few hours avoiding the Midnight Man, who has now entered your home.
  6. If your candle goes out, relight it within 10 seconds to avoid the Midnight Man.
  7. If you can’t relight the candle, surround yourself with a circle of salt until 3:33 AM.


  • Keep salt ready for protection
  • Never stay still
  • Have backup matches
  • Know all exit routes
  • Don’t play alone

8. Dead Man’s Hand

Dead Man's Hand

A game that creates the feeling of ghostly movement in your arms.

Objective: Make a person’s arms rise by themselves through suggestion.

Number of Players: 2 people

Materials Needed:

  • Quiet room
  • Chair

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Have one player close their eyes while the other player moves their arms in a specific pattern.
  2. The player with their eyes closed will count to 10 in their head and then nod.
  3. The other player will move the closed-eye player’s arms back and forth, alternating between above and below each other, a specific number of times.
  4. The player with their eyes closed will lower their arms when they feel the pattern changing.
  5. The other player will then snap their fingers three times and chant, “Dead man, dead man, take me to your grave,” until something eerie happens.


  • Keep seated person stable
  • Don’t force arm movements
  • Stop if anyone feels uneasy

9. The Closet Game

The Closet Game

A test of bravery in a dark closet.

Objective: Stay in a closet alone and listen for sounds.

Number of Players: 1 person

Materials Needed:

  • Dark closet
  • Match
  • Watch/clock

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Turn off all the lights in the room with the closet and enter the closet at midnight.
  2. Close the door and stand quietly for at least two minutes, without moving or speaking.
  3. After two minutes, hold up an unlit match in front of you and say, “Show me the light or leave me in darkness.”
  4. If you hear a whisper in the darkness, light the match immediately.
  5. If you hear nothing, wait without turning around.
  6. While the match is still burning, open the door and exit the closet. Close the door again and do not look into the closet in the dark.


  • Keep door unlocked
  • Have light source ready
  • Tell someone you’re playing
  • Check closet safety first

10. Charlie Charlie

Charlie Charlie

A simple pencil game claiming to contact a spirit.

Objective: Ask questions and wait for pencils to move.

Number of Players: 2-4 people

Materials Needed:

  • Paper
  • 2 pencils
  • Flat surface

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Draw an X on a piece of paper and label two sections “no” and two sections “yes.”
  2. Place two crossing pencils on the paper to form an X.
  3. Ask, “Charlie, Charlie, are you there?” and then ask your question.
  4. Observe the movement of the pencils to get the answer (yes or no).


  • Don’t ask mean questions
  • Always say goodbye
  • Keep mood respectful
  • Stop if pencils fall

11. The Candyman Game

The Candyman Game

A mirror-calling game played in darkness.

Objective: Test courage by calling the Candyman.

Number of Players: 1-3 people

Materials Needed:

  • Dark room with mirror
  • Light switch nearby

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Stand in front of a mirror in a dimly lit room.
  2. Chant “The Candyman” five times, one after the other.
  3. Turn off all the lights in the room and wait silently in the darkness.
  4. If you hear a faint whisper or see a shadowy figure, quickly switch on a light to protect yourself.


  • Know where light switch is
  • Keep door unlocked
  • Have friend nearby
  • Stop if too scared

12. The 3 Kings Ritual

The 3 Kings Ritual

A nighttime ritual requiring three chairs and mirrors.

Objective: Ask questions in a specific setup to receive answers.

Number of Players: 2 people minimum

Materials Needed:

  • 3 chairs
  • 2 mirrors
  • Candle
  • Dark room
  • Watch/clock

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Arrange three chairs in your basement or a calm, empty room, forming a circle.
  2. Place one chair as the “throne” where you will sit, and the other two chairs will hold mirrors for the “queen” and “fool” spirits.
  3. Summon the spirits from the mirrors, beckoning them to share their wisdom.
  4. Ask your questions, but do not look at the spirits directly.
  5. When you are ready to leave, thank the spirits and exit the room.


  • Never turn around
  • Keep friend nearby
  • Don’t stay past time limit
  • Leave if feeling scared

13. Seance


A group attempt to contact spirits.

Objective: Create conditions to communicate with spirits.

Number of Players: 3-8 people

Materials Needed:

  • Candles
  • Table
  • Dark room
  • Clock

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends in a dark, quiet room.
  2. Arrange the participants in a circle, holding hands.
  3. Invite the spirits to join you and ask them questions.
  4. Pay attention to any changes in the environment or sensations experienced by the group.
  5. When finished, thank the spirits and end the seance.


  • Keep matches away from curtains
  • Have exit plan
  • Stay calm
  • End if anyone feels bad

14. Jumpscare Tag

Jumpscare Tag

A scary version of regular tag in darkness.

Objective: Catch others while making them jump from fear.

Number of Players: 4-10 people

Materials Needed:

  • Dark space
  • Flashlights

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Divide the players into two teams: jumpscare “it” and prey.
  2. The jumpscare “it” player will hide and wait for the prey to approach.
  3. When a prey player gets close, the jumpscare “it” will suddenly spring out and startle them.
  4. The startled prey player becomes the new jumpscare “it” for the next round.
  5. Continue playing, with players taking turns being the jumpscare “it”.


  • Clear area of dangers
  • Set safe zones
  • Use indoor voices
  • No physical contact

15. Spooky Stories in the Dark

Spooky Stories in the Dark

Group storytelling with added effects.

Objective: Tell scary stories while adding real sounds and touches.

Number of Players: 3-10 people

Materials Needed:

  • Flashlight
  • Dark room
  • Blankets
  • Small items for effects

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends in a dimly lit room.
  2. Take turns telling creepy, unsettling stories.
  3. Encourage everyone to use vivid details and suspenseful language.
  4. Observe the reactions of the other players and try to unnerve them.
  5. When finished, discuss the most spine-chilling stories.


  • Keep stories age-right
  • Stop if too scared
  • Keep touching light
  • Know room exits

16. Creepy Charades

Creepy Charades

A scary twist on regular charades using horror themes.

Objective: Act out scary scenes for others to guess.

Number of Players: 4-12 people

Materials Needed:

  • Paper slips
  • Container for slips
  • Timer
  • Flashlight

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Write down various scary, supernatural, or horror-themed concepts on slips of paper.
  2. Take turns randomly selecting a slip and acting out the concept without speaking.
  3. The other players must guess what the acting player is portraying.
  4. Award points for successful guesses and dramatic performances.
  5. Continue taking turns until everyone has had a chance to act.


  • Keep actions safe
  • No touching others
  • Avoid too-scary scenes
  • Stop if anyone upset

17. Scary Truth or Dare

Scary Truth or Dare

Classic truth or dare with spooky tasks.

Objective: Complete scary tasks or answer creepy questions.

Number of Players: 3-8 people

Materials Needed:

  • List of truths/dares
  • Timer
  • Flashlight
  • Safe play area

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and decide who will start the game.
  2. The starting player asks someone “Truth or Dare?”
  3. If the player chooses truth, they must answer a scary or unsettling question truthfully.
  4. If the player chooses dare, they must complete a creepy or daring task.
  5. Continue taking turns asking “Truth or Dare?” until everyone has participated.


  • Set clear limits
  • No dangerous dares
  • Respect “no” answers
  • Keep tasks inside

18. The Phone Game

The Phone Game

A game using phones to create scares.

Objective: Make and receive calls following specific rules.

Number of Players: 2-4 people

Materials Needed:

  • Cell phones
  • Dark room
  • Clock
  • Paper for rules

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Find a dark, quiet room with a  phone.
  2. Dial the phone number and wait for someone or something to answer.
  3. Engage in a conversation, but do not reveal your identity.
  4. Listen carefully for any unusual noises or responses on the other end of the line.
  5. End the call if you feel uncomfortable or sense a paranormal presence.


  • Keep volume medium
  • Have backup light
  • Know when to stop
  • Stay together

19. The Haunted Mirror Game

The Haunted Mirror Game

A group game using mirrors in darkness.

Objective: Look for changes in mirror reflections.

Number of Players: 2-5 people

Materials Needed:

  • Large mirror
  • Candle
  • Dark room
  • Timer

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather three full-length mirrors and place them in a triangular arrangement.
  2. Position the mirrors so that the reflection of one is visible in the next.
  3. Light a candle and place it in the center of the triangle.
  4. Turn off all other lights and stand in front of the third mirror, observing the reflections.
  5. Pay attention to any changes or unexpected occurrences in the mirror.


  • Secure mirror well
  • Keep candle stable
  • Have exit route
  • Stay calm

20. The Staircase Game

The Staircase Game

A tension-building game played on stairs at night.

Objective: Climb stairs while following specific rules to test bravery.

Number of Players: 1-2 people

Materials Needed:

  • Staircase
  • Flashlight
  • Watch/clock
  • Dark house

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Choose a staircase in your home, preferably one that is dimly lit or in a remote area.
  2. Stand at the top of the stairs and slowly walk down, counting each step.
  3. Once you reach the bottom, turn around and walk back up, counting the steps again.
  4. Repeat this process, paying close attention to any changes in the environment or sensations you experience.
  5. If you feel uneasy or sense a presence, quickly exit the area.


  • Know step count first
  • Hold handrail
  • Keep flashlight ready
  • Check stairs safety

21. The Bathroom Mirror Game

The Bathroom Mirror Game

A solo mirror game played at specific times.

Objective: Watch mirror for changes while following time rules.

Number of Players: 1 person

Materials Needed:

  • Bathroom mirror
  • Watch/clock
  • Candle
  • Matches

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Enter a bathroom and turn off the lights, leaving only the mirror illuminated.
  2. Stand in front of the mirror and chant the name of a spirit or urban legend, such as “Bloody Mary” or “Baby Blue.”
  3. Observe the mirror closely for any changes or apparitions.
  4. If you see or hear anything unusual, quickly exit the bathroom and turn on the lights.
  5. Avoid looking back at the mirror until you have left the area.


  • Keep door unlocked
  • Have light switch ready
  • Tell someone you’re playing
  • Set time limit

22. The Door Game

The Door Game

A game testing nerve with doors and darkness.

Objective: Open and close doors following specific patterns.

Number of Players: 2-3 people

Materials Needed:

  • Multiple doors
  • Flashlight
  • Watch/clock
  • Paper for rules

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Choose the main door you will be using for the game. This should be a solid, wooden door if possible.
  2. Write down the sequence of opening the door that you will follow: open, close, open, close.
  3. Make sure all other doors and entrances to the room are securely closed and locked.
  4. Follow the door opening pattern you wrote down, listening carefully for any unusual sounds or sensations.
  5. When finished, close the doors in the reverse order of how you opened them.


  • Check door hinges
  • Keep paths clear
  • Have backup light
  • Know exit routes

23. The Sleepover Ritual

The Sleepover Ritual

A group game for sleepovers using darkness and sound.

Objective: Create and respond to scary situations together.

Number of Players: 3-6 people

Materials Needed:

  • Sleeping bags
  • Flashlights
  • Clock
  • Snacks

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends for a sleepover in a dimly lit room.
  2. Choose one player to be the “medium” and have them sit in the center of the room.
  3. The other players should sit in a circle around the medium, holding hands.
  4. The medium will attempt to summon spirits or entities, guiding the group through the ritual.
  5. Pay attention to any changes in the environment or sensations experienced by the group.


  • Know house rules
  • Have adult nearby
  • Keep snacks safe
  • Set end time

24. Witching Hour Challenge

Witching Hour Challenge

A midnight game testing nerves in complete darkness.

Objective: Stay awake during the 3 AM hour while observing surroundings.

Number of Players: 2-4 people

Materials Needed:

  • Clock
  • Candle
  • Matches
  • Quiet room

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and choose one person to be the “Witching Hour Host.”
  2. At precisely 3:00 AM, the Witching Hour Host will lead the group in a series of dares or challenges.
  3. Each player must complete the task or face a penalty, such as performing an additional challenge or forfeiting the game.
  4. The challenges should be creepy, unsettling, or require players to confront their fears.
  5. Continue taking turns completing challenges until the Witching Hour ends


  • Keep exits clear
  • Have lights ready
  • Stay together
  • Set clear end time

25. The Devil’s Hour Game

 The Devil's Hour Game

A structured waiting game played at 3 AM.

Objective: Maintain silence while watching for unusual events.

Number of Players: 2-3 people

Materials Needed:

  • Clock
  • Dark room
  • Chair
  • Paper for notes

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and choose one person to be the “Devil’s Hour Host.”
  2. At precisely 3:00 AM, the Devil’s Hour Host will lead the group in a series of rituals or supernatural games.
  3. Each player must participate in the activities, which may involve chanting, summoning spirits, or facing eerie visions.
  4. The games and rituals should be designed to unnerve and potentially interact with supernatural forces.
  5. Continue the Devil’s Hour activities until the clock strikes 4:00 AM.


  • Keep phone charged
  • Have exit plan
  • Stay seated
  • Don’t look back

26. The Whispering Game

The Whispering Game

A listening game played in darkness.

Objective: Listen for and identify strange sounds.

Number of Players: 3-5 people

Materials Needed:

  • Dark room
  • Clock
  • Paper
  • Pencils

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and have everyone sit in a circle.
  2. Choose one player to start the game by whispering a creepy or unsettling phrase into the ear of the player to their left.
  3. The phrase should then be whispered around the circle, with each player attempting to pass it on accurately.
  4. The final player must then state the phrase they heard out loud.
  5. Discuss how the message changed and became distorted as it was passed around the circle.


  • Know room sounds
  • Have light ready
  • Keep group close
  • Set time limit

27. The Ring Game

The Ring Game

A circle-based game using candles and chants.

Objective: Create and maintain a protected space while testing courage.

Number of Players: 4-6 people

Materials Needed:

  • Candles
  • Matches
  • Salt
  • Clock

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and have everyone sit in a circle.
  2. One player will start the game by placing a ring on the palm of their hand and closing their fist around it.
  3. The player will then pass their closed fist to the player on their left, who must try to guess if the ring is still there or not.
  4. If the guess is incorrect, the player with the ring becomes the new “it” and passes the fist to the next player.
  5. Continue passing the fist and guessing the presence of the ring, creating an atmosphere of suspense and uncertainty.


  • Keep fire safety
  • Have water ready
  • Stand still
  • Know when to stop

28. The Babysitter’s Game

The Babysitter's Game

A tension-building game for groups in a house.

Objective: Create and maintain a safe space while testing nerves.

Number of Players: 3-5 people

Materials Needed:

  • House with multiple rooms
  • Flashlights
  • Clock
  • Paper and pen

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. One player will take on the role of the babysitter, while the others pretend to be the children they are watching.
  2. The babysitter will leave the room, and the children will hide or set up a spooky prank.
  3. When the babysitter returns, they must try to find the children or avoid the trap, all while maintaining a calm and collected demeanor.
  4. If the babysitter is successfully scared or caught, they become the new babysitter for the next round.
  5. The game continues with players taking turns as the babysitter and the children.


  • Know house layout
  • Keep phones charged
  • Stay in pairs
  • Have adult nearby

29. Three Knocks

Three Knocks

A listening game played at night.

Objective: Listen for and respond to specific knock patterns.

Number of Players: 2-4 people

Materials Needed:

  • Quiet room
  • Clock
  • Candle
  • Matches

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends in a dark, quiet room.
  2. Designate one player to be the “spirit” and have them leave the room.
  3. The remaining players will decide on a location in the room where they will wait for the spirit.
  4. The “spirit” player will then knock on the door three times and enter the room, attempting to locate the other players.
  5. The players must remain silent and still, trying to avoid being found by the “spirit.”
  6. If the “spirit” player successfully locates a player, that player becomes the new “spirit” for the next round.


  • Keep exits clear
  • Have lights ready
  • Stay together
  • Set time limit

30. The Bloody Handprint

The Bloody Handprint

A mirror-based game using steam and timing.

Objective: Create conditions to see unusual marks appear.

Number of Players: 2-3 people

Materials Needed:

  • Bathroom mirror
  • Hot water source
  • Clock
  • Lights

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and choose one player to be the “ghost.”
  2. The “ghost” player will secretly leave the room and wait.
  3. The remaining players will choose a location in the room to hide a fake bloody handprint.
  4. The “ghost” player will then re-enter the room and attempt to locate the handprint.
  5. If the “ghost” player finds the handprint, they must try to follow the “trail” of handprints to find the hiding players.
  6. Any player who is found becomes the new “ghost” for the next round.


  • Check water temperature
  • Keep door unlocked
  • Have light ready
  • Avoid slipping

31. Hide and Scream

Hide and Scream

A mix of hide and seek with sound rules.

Objective: Find others using sounds as clues.

Number of Players: 4-8 people

Materials Needed:

  • Large space
  • Flashlights
  • Timer
  • Safe zone markers

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Divide the players into two teams: hiders and seekers.
  2. The hiders will hide in the designated play area, while the seekers try to find them.
  3. When a hider is found, they must let out a loud, terrifying scream to alert the other hiders.
  4. The found hider then becomes a seeker, joining the team to help find the remaining players.
  5. The game continues until all hiders have been found and converted to seekers.


  • Clear playing area
  • Set boundaries
  • Use inside voices
  • Keep paths open

32. Haunted Maze

Haunted Maze

A group game combining hiding and searching with scares.

Objective: Find way through dark space while avoiding others.

Number of Players: 6-12 people

Materials Needed:

  • Large indoor space
  • Flashlights
  • Obstacles
  • Timer

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Create a maze-like environment, either indoors or outdoors, using furniture, sheets, or other household items.
  2. Designate one or more players to be the “haunters,” who will hide within the maze and jump out to startle the other players.
  3. The remaining players will navigate the maze, trying to avoid the haunters and reach the end.
  4. When a player is startled or found by a haunter, they must scream and exit the maze.
  5. The game continues until all players have been scared or made it through the maze.


  • Mark clear paths
  • Keep exits visible
  • Use safe obstacles
  • No touching others

33. The Light Game

The Light Game

A game testing nerve with lights and timing.

Objective: Watch for light changes while staying still.

Number of Players: 2-4 people

Materials Needed:

  • Room with light switch
  • Clock
  • Chair
  • Paper for notes

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends in a dark room, ensuring no outside light can enter.
  2. Provide each player with a single lit candle or flashlight.
  3. Players must try to extinguish or cover the lights of the other players while protecting their own.
  4. If a player’s light goes out, they are eliminated from the game.
  5. The last player with their light still burning is the winner.


  • Know switch location
  • Keep path clear
  • Have backup light
  • Set time limit

34. The Poppy Game

The Poppy Game

A waiting game using sounds and silence.

Objective: Listen for specific sounds while maintaining position.

Number of Players: 3-5 people

Materials Needed:

  • Quiet room
  • Clock
  • Candle
  • Paper

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and find a dark, quiet room.
  2. One player will be designated as the “Poppy” and will leave the room.
  3. The remaining players will hide various fake, bloodied “poppies” around the room.
  4. The “Poppy” player will then re-enter the room and try to locate the hidden poppies.
  5. If the “Poppy” finds a poppy, they must let out a scream to signal the others.
  6. Any players whose poppies are found become the new “Poppies” for the next round.


  • Keep candle stable
  • Have water nearby
  • Stay seated
  • Keep quiet

35. Zombie Apocalypse Survival

 Zombie Apocalypse Survival

A team game mixing hiding and strategy.

Objective: Stay “alive” longer than other players.

Number of Players: 8-15 people

Materials Needed:

  • Large play area
  • Markers for teams
  • Timer
  • Safe zones

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Divide the players into two teams – survivors and zombies.
  2. The survivors must hide and avoid being caught by the zombies.
  3. If a survivor is tagged by a zombie, they must “turn” and join the zombie team.
  4. Zombies must use creepy, zombie-like movements and sounds to hunt down the survivors.
  5. The game continues until all survivors have been turned into zombies.


  • Mark boundaries
  • No running inside
  • Keep noise down
  • Use gentle tags

36. The Vengeful Spirit

The Vengeful Spirit

A game combining story and movement in darkness.

Objective: Move through space while avoiding the chosen “spirit.”

Number of Players: 5-8 people

Materials Needed:

  • Dark room
  • Flashlight
  • Timer
  • Bell

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends in a dimly lit room.
  2. One player will take on the role of the “Vengeful Spirit” and leave the room.
  3. The remaining players will choose a location in the room to hide.
  4. The “Vengeful Spirit” will then re-enter the room and attempt to locate the hidden players.
  5. If a player is found, they must act out a frightening, ghostly possession before joining the “Vengeful Spirit” for the next round.
  6. The game continues until all players have been found and possessed.


  • Clear walking paths
  • Set boundaries
  • Use gentle touches
  • Keep voices low

37. The Board Challenge

The Board Challenge

A group game using written questions.

Objective: Ask and receive answers through paper movement.

Number of Players: 3-5 people

Materials Needed:

  • Large paper
  • Markers
  • Candle
  • Timer

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Set up an Ouija board on a table, with all players gathered around.
  2. Designate one player as the “Medium” to initiate communication with any spirits.
  3. The Medium will place their fingers on the planchette and ask questions, allowing the spirits to guide the planchette.
  4. Other players may ask their own questions, but must do so respectfully.
  5. If the planchette moves erratically or the spirits seem uncooperative, end the session immediately.


  • Keep candle stable
  • Stay respectful
  • Have light ready
  • Set clear rules

38. The Scarecrow Game

The Scarecrow Game

A standing game testing stillness and nerve.

Objective: Stay perfectly still while watching for movement.

Number of Players: 4-6 people

Materials Needed:

  • Open space
  • Flashlights
  • Timer
  • Markers

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Choose one player to be the “Scarecrow” and have them stand or sit in a designated area.
  2. The remaining players will take turns approaching the Scarecrow and trying to startle or scare them.
  3. If the Scarecrow reacts or moves, the player who startled them becomes the new Scarecrow.
  4. If the Scarecrow does not react, the player must return to their starting position.
  5. Continue taking turns trying to startle the Scarecrow until someone is successful.


  • Choose safe spots
  • Keep balance
  • Take breaks
  • Stay within marks

39. The Haunted Forest

The Haunted Forest

An outdoor night game using natural darkness.

Objective: Find items while avoiding other players.

Number of Players: 6-10 people

Materials Needed:

  • Outdoor space
  • Flashlights
  • Hidden items
  • Whistles

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Find a wooded or forested area to play in, preferably one that is dark and eerie at night.
  2. Designate one or more players to be the “Haunters” who will hide in the trees and bushes.
  3. The remaining players will navigate through the forest, trying to avoid being startled or caught by the Haunters.
  4. If a player is startled or caught by a Haunter, they must let out a scream and exit the forest.
  5. The game continues until all players have been scared or made it through the forest.


  • Check area safety
  • Stay in bounds
  • Keep team contact
  • Have adult watch

40. The Fear Factor Challenge

The Fear Factor Challenge

A group game testing personal limits with safe scares.

Objective: Complete tasks while managing fear responses.

Number of Players: 4-8 people

Materials Needed:

  • Task cards
  • Timer
  • Flashlights
  • Safety items

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and choose one player to be the “Host” of the challenge.
  2. The Host will present the group with a series of dares or tasks that are designed to test their courage and confront their fears.
  3. Each player must choose to either complete the challenge or face a penalty, such as performing an additional task or leaving the game.
  4. The challenges can involve interacting with creepy objects, facing phobias, or engaging in unsettling activities.
  5. Continue through the Fear Factor challenges until all players have participated or the game is concluded.


  • Keep tasks safe
  • Allow pass options
  • Have help ready
  • Set clear limits

41. Scary Movie Night

Scary Movie Night

A structured watching game with active participation.

Objective: Watch while following specific group rules.

Number of Players: 4-10 people

Materials Needed:

  • Movies
  • Room lights
  • Blankets
  • Timer

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and choose a selection of horror or suspense movies to watch.
  2. Dim the lights and create a spooky atmosphere in the room.
  3. Take turns selecting and playing the movies, encouraging everyone to immerse themselves in the scares.
  4. During the movies, players can jump, scream, or react to the frightening moments.
  5. Between movies, discuss the most terrifying scenes and share your thoughts on the overall experience.


  • Check age ratings
  • Keep lights ready
  • Allow leaving
  • Set end time

42. The Touch of Death

The Touch of Death

A movement game using gentle touches.

Objective: Find others using touch while avoiding being caught.

Number of Players: 6-12 people

Materials Needed:

  • Dark room
  • Soft items
  • Timer
  • Whistle

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Designate one player to be the “Reaper” and have them leave the room.
  2. The remaining players will hide in various locations within the play area.
  3. The “Reaper” will then re-enter the room and slowly walk around, reaching out to try and “touch” the hidden players.
  4. If the Reaper touches a player, they must let out a scream and “die,” exiting the game.
  5. The last player remaining undetected becomes the new Reaper for the next round.


  • Use soft touches
  • Clear floor space
  • Keep quiet
  • Stay in bounds

43. The Fateful Question

The Fateful Question

A questions game played in darkness.

Objective: Ask and answer questions following set rules.

Number of Players: 3-6 people

Materials Needed:

  • Dark room
  • Candle
  • Paper
  • Pen

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and have everyone sit in a circle.
  2. One player will start by asking a thought-provoking or unsettling question to the person on their left.
  3. The questioned player must answer the question honestly, without hesitation.
  4. Once the question is answered, the player to the left asks a new question to the next person in the circle.
  5. Continue passing the questions around the circle, creating an atmosphere of suspense and unease.


  • Keep fire safe
  • Have exits clear
  • Stay seated
  • Respect limits

44. The Midnight Knock

The Midnight Knock

A listening game played near midnight.

Objective: Listen and respond to specific knock patterns.

Number of Players: 3-5 people

Materials Needed:

  • Quiet room
  • Clock
  • Paper
  • Pen

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and choose one player to be the “Knocker.”
  2. The Knocker will leave the room and wait while the other players hide.
  3. At exactly midnight, the Knocker will return and begin knocking on doors and walls, trying to locate the hidden players.
  4. If a player is found, they must let out a terrified scream before joining the Knocker in the search.
  5. The game continues until all players have been found or the clock strikes 1:00 AM.


  • Keep lights ready
  • Know exits
  • Stay together
  • Set time limit

45. Ghost in the Graveyard

Ghost in the Graveyard

A hide and seek game played at night.

Objective: Find hidden players before they reach base.

Number of Players: 6-12 people

Materials Needed:

  • Outdoor space
  • Flashlights
  • Base marker
  • Whistle

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Choose a dark, outdoor location, such as a cemetery or wooded area, to play the game.
  2. Designate one player to be the “Ghost” and have them hide in the designated play area.
  3. The remaining players will spread out and try to locate the hidden Ghost without being caught.
  4. If a player spots the Ghost, they must yell “Ghost in the Graveyard!” and the Ghost will then try to tag them.
  5. Any players who are tagged become the new Ghosts for the next round.


  • Check ground safety
  • Mark boundaries
  • Keep group close
  • Have adult watch

46. Vampire Hunting Game

Vampire Hunting Game

A team game mixing hiding and seeking.

Objective: Find vampires or stay hidden as one.

Number of Players: 8-15 people

Materials Needed:

  • Large play area
  • Team markers
  • Flashlights
  • Timer

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Divide the players into two teams: Vampires and Vampire Hunters.
  2. The Vampires will hide in the designated play area, while the Hunters search for them.
  3. Vampires must use creepy movements and sounds to avoid being detected by the Hunters.
  4. If a Hunter spots a Vampire, they must call out “Vampire!” and try to tag them.
  5. Tagged Vampires are eliminated, and the last Vampire standing wins the round.
  6. Teams then switch roles for the next game.


  • Clear play area
  • Use gentle tags
  • Stay in bounds
  • Keep noise down

47. The Mummy’s Curse

The Mummy's Curse

A wrapped player tries catching others.

Objective: Avoid being caught by the mummy player.

Number of Players: 5-10 people

Materials Needed:

  • White sheets
  • Large space
  • Timer
  • Boundaries

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Designate one player to be the “Mummy” and have them leave the room.
  2. The remaining players will hide various “cursed” objects around the play area.
  3. The Mummy will then re-enter the room and begin searching for the cursed items.
  4. If the Mummy finds a cursed object, they must let out a bone-chilling moan and the player who hid that object becomes the new Mummy.
  5. The game continues until all cursed objects have been found.


  • Keep wrapping loose
  • Clear floor space
  • Watch movement
  • Allow breaks

48. The Ritual of the Ancients

The Ritual of the Ancients

A circle-based game using candles and timing.

Objective: Create and maintain specific conditions while testing nerve.

Number of Players: 4-6 people

Materials Needed:

  • Candles
  • Salt
  • Clock
  • Dark room

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and choose one player to be the “High Priest/Priestess.”
  2. The High Priest/Priestess will lead the group in a series of chants, invocations, and ritualistic movements.
  3. The other players must follow the instructions of the High Priest/Priestess, immersing themselves in the eerie atmosphere.
  4. Throughout the ritual, the High Priest/Priestess may call upon the ancient spirits or deities, leading the group in a supernatural experience.
  5. The ritual should be conducted in a dimly lit, secluded area to enhance the unsettling ambiance.


  • Keep water nearby
  • Watch candles
  • Have exit path
  • Stay inside circle

49. The Demon’s Call

The Demon's Call

A listening game using silence and sound.

Objective: Listen for specific sounds while maintaining positions.

Number of Players: 3-5 people

Materials Needed:

  • Quiet room
  • Timer
  • Candle
  • Paper

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and choose one player to be the “Demon Master.”
  2. The Demon Master will leave the room and prepare a summoning ritual, which may involve candles, symbols, or other occult items.
  3. The remaining players will then be invited one by one to participate in the ritual.
  4. As each player joins the ritual, they may encounter unsettling visions, unexplained phenomena, or even the presence of a demonic entity.
  5. The game continues until all players have participated in the ritual or decide to end the session.


  • Keep exits clear
  • Have lights ready
  • Stay seated
  • Set time limit

50. The Halloween Maze

The Halloween Maze

A group game creating and moving through dark paths.

Objective: Navigate maze while avoiding others.

Number of Players: 8-15 people

Materials Needed:

  • Large space
  • Barriers
  • Flashlights
  • Timer

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Create an intricate, maze-like environment using furniture, sheets, and other household items.
  2. Designate one or more players to be the “Monsters” who will hide within the maze and jump out to startle the other players.
  3. The remaining players will navigate the maze, trying to find their way through without being caught by the Monsters.
  4. If a player is startled or caught by a Monster, they must let out a frightened scream and exit the maze.
  5. The game continues until all players have made it through the maze or been scared by the Monsters.


  • Mark clear paths
  • Keep exits visible
  • Use safe items
  • Check lighting

51. Scary Shadow Chase

Scary Shadow Chase

A movement game using shadows and light.

Objective: Create shadows while others try catching them.

Number of Players: 6-10 people

Materials Needed:

  • Wall space
  • Light source
  • Timer
  • Boundaries

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and choose one player to be the “Shadow.”
  2. The Shadow will turn off the lights and use a flashlight or cell phone light to cast their shadow on the walls.
  3. The remaining players must try to catch the Shadow’s shadow by moving around the room and reaching out to touch it.
  4. If a player successfully touches the Shadow’s shadow, they become the new Shadow for the next round.
  5. The game continues with players taking turns as the Shadow, creating an scary game of chase in the darkness.


  • Clear floor space
  • Secure lights
  • Watch movement
  • Keep distance

52. The Abandoned House Game

The Abandoned House Game

A group game for safe spaces pretending to explore.

Objective: Move through space finding items while staying calm.

Number of Players: 4-8 people

Materials Needed:

  • Large room
  • Hidden items
  • Flashlights
  • Timer

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Find an abandoned or dilapidated house, if possible, and gather a group of friends to explore it.
  2. Carefully enter the house, taking note of any strange sounds, sights, or sensations.
  3. Split the group into pairs or small teams and have them investigate different rooms or areas of the house.
  4. If a team encounters anything unsettling or paranormal, they must immediately regroup and exit the house.
  5. The game continues with the group exploring the house and sharing their experiences, but they must be prepared to leave at the first sign of danger.


  • Check space safety
  • Keep teams together
  • Have backup lights
  • Set boundaries

53. The Creeping Darkness

The Creeping Darkness

A movement game in growing darkness.

Objective: Move through space as lights dim gradually.

Number of Players: 4-6 people

Materials Needed:

  • Room with dimmer
  • Task cards
  • Timer
  • Safety lights

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and choose one player to be the “Darkness.”
  2. The Darkness will turn off all the lights in the room, leaving the space in complete darkness.
  3. The remaining players must try to navigate the room without being caught by the Darkness.
  4. If the Darkness manages to touch a player, that player becomes the new Darkness for the next round.
  5. The game continues with players taking turns as the Darkness, creating a suspenseful and eerie atmosphere of unseen movement and uncertainty.


  • Clear all paths
  • Know light controls
  • Keep group close
  • Have backup light

54. Silent Scare

Silent Scare

A quiet movement game testing stealth.

Objective: Move without making sound while watching others.

Number of Players: 5-8 people

Materials Needed:

  • Quiet room
  • Soft floor
  • Timer
  • Bell

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Designate one player to be the “Scare” and have them leave the room.
  2. The remaining players will choose a hiding spot and remain completely silent.
  3. The Scare will then re-enter the room and slowly search for the hidden players, using only their senses of sight and touch to locate them.
  4. If the Scare manages to find a hidden player, that player must let out a sudden, startling scream to reveal their position.
  5. The game continues with players taking turns as the Scare, testing their ability to navigate the silent environment and surprise their unsuspecting friends.


  • Remove trip items
  • Watch steps
  • Stay in bounds
  • Keep space

55. The Last Hour

The Last Hour

A timed game using darkness and waiting.

Objective: Stay in positions while counting time.

Number of Players: 3-5 people

Materials Needed:

  • Dark room
  • Clock
  • Candle
  • Chairs

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Arrange a circle of chairs in the center of the room, one chair per player.
  2. Place a lit candle in the middle of the chair circle.
  3. Have all players sit in the chairs, facing inward.
  4. Players must remain completely still and silent throughout the game.
  5. Designate a timekeeper to silently count down the full hour.
  6. When the hour is up, players stand and extinguish the candle together.


  • Have exit plan
  • Keep lights ready
  • Stay seated
  • Set clear end

56. Clown Encounter

Clown Encounter

A hiding game with one player as the clown.

Objective: Avoid being found by the clown while completing tasks.

Number of Players: 5-10 people

Materials Needed:

  • Large space
  • Simple clown mask
  • Task cards
  • Timer

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and choose one player to be the “Clown.”
  2. The Clown will leave the room and put on a creepy clown costume or makeup.
  3. The remaining players will then hide in various locations within the play area.
  4. The Clown will re-enter the room and slowly search for the hidden players, using unsettling laughter or movements to unnerve them.
  5. If a player is found by the Clown, they must let out a terrified scream before joining the Clown in their search for the remaining players.
  6. The game continues until all players have been found and joined the Clown.


  • Keep mask simple
  • No scaring tactics
  • Clear boundaries
  • Have safe word

57. The Chilling Challenge

The Chilling Challenge

A test of nerve using cold and darkness.

Objective: Complete tasks while managing temperature changes.

Number of Players: 4-6 people

Materials Needed:

  • Cool room
  • Task list
  • Timer
  • Blankets

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and choose one player to be the “Host” of the challenge.
  2. The Host will present the group with a series of dares or tasks that are designed to test their courage and resilience in the face of fear.
  3. Each player must choose to either complete the challenge or face a penalty, such as performing an additional task or leaving the game.
  4. The challenges can involve interacting with creepy objects, facing phobias, or engaging in unsettling activities.
  5. Continue through the Chilling Challenges until all players have participated or the game is concluded.


  • Keep temp safe
  • Have warm space
  • Check comfort
  • Allow breaks

58. The Possession Game

The Possession Game

A role-playing game with specific movement rules.

Objective: Act out roles while following set rules.

Number of Players: 6-8 people

Materials Needed:

  • Room space
  • Role cards
  • Timer
  • Bell

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and choose one player to be the “Possessed.”
  2. The Possessed player will leave the room while the others decide on a specific “possession” behavior or movement.
  3. The Possessed player will then re-enter the room and the others will try to guess what possession behavior they have been assigned.
  4. If a player correctly guesses the possession behavior, they become the new Possessed for the next round.
  5. The game continues with players taking turns being the Possessed, creating an atmosphere of suspense and unsettling imitation.


  • Keep acting mild
  • No touching
  • Stay in bounds
  • Stop if scared

59. The Banshee’s Cry

The Banshee's Cry

A sound-based game using specific calls.

Objective: Find others using sound cues.

Number of Players: 5-8 people

Materials Needed:

  • Large space
  • Whistles
  • Timer
  • Boundaries

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Gather a group of friends and choose one player to be the “Banshee.”
  2. The Banshee will leave the room and prepare their eerie, wailing cry.
  3. The remaining players will then hide in various locations within the play area.
  4. The Banshee will re-enter the room and begin wandering, letting out their haunting, keening cry.
  5. If the Banshee’s cry is heard by a hidden player, they must let out a scream of terror before being “claimed” by the Banshee.
  6. The game continues until all players have been found and claimed by the Banshee.


  • Set sound limits
  • Mark clear space
  • Keep volume low
  • Watch steps

60. The Forgotten Hallway

The Forgotten Hallway

A corridor game using light and shadow.

Objective: Walk hallway while watching for changes.

Number of Players: 3-5 people

Materials Needed:

  • Long hallway
  • Flashlights
  • Timer
  • Markers

Step-by-Step Gameplay:

  1. Find a long, dimly lit hallway or corridor in your home or a building.
  2. Gather a group of friends and have them stand at one end of the hallway.
  3. One player will be designated as the “Caretaker” and will stand at the opposite end of the hallway.
  4. The Caretaker will then slowly walk towards the group, using creepy movements and unsettling sounds to unnerve the players.
  5. If a player breaks their stance or runs away before the Caretaker reaches them, they are out of the game.
  6. The game continues until the Caretaker successfully reaches the end of the hallway or all players have been eliminated.


  • Check floor safety
  • Keep group close
  • Have exit plan
  • Use buddy system


After playing these games for years with my friends, I’ve learned what works best.

The most important things to remember are: keep everyone safe, respect when someone wants to stop, and make sure you have good lighting nearby.

I’ve tested all these games myself and picked the ones that are the most fun without being too much.

Start with the easier ones if you’re new – maybe Light as a Feather or Spooky Stories. When your group feels ready, try the harder games.

Just follow the safety steps I’ve listed, and you’ll have a great time. Most of all, keep it fun!

Nathaniel Lewis

Nathaniel Lewis

Nathaniel Lewis is an accomplished author and game designer with a BA in Game Design from the University of Southern California. His 15-year career, spanning various roles in the gaming industry, enriches his insightful reviews and recommendations of children's games.
His expertise lies in evaluating educational content and entertainment value, ensuring a balanced approach to gaming for kids. He has worked as a child therapist, using games as a tool for learning and emotional growth. He is an enthusiastic board game collector and enjoys hosting game nights.

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