35 Easy DIY Felt Crafts, Projects and Free Patterns

Felt crafts make projects that are fun to do. Even if you are a beginner, crafting with felt can be fun and easy. Felt is extensively used in craft projects because it is soft, durable, and inexpensive. From inspiring home decor items to curating unique gift items, felt crafts will never be a disappointment.

With felt craft, you can let your kids be innovative. Most of the felt DIYs are easy to do and, in some way, give leverage to let your child participate in the projects. If you are an expert, crafting projects with intricate details using felt is no bad idea as well.

With this, let us explore these 35 inspirations for fun craft projects.

1. Nursery Letters with Felt Art

Nursery Letters with Felt Art

Felt ball letters are perfect for adding a personal touch to your kid’s room. And this DIY from felt crafts is super easy and absolutely fun to do. Take a wooden letter of your child’s name with the size you prefer. With a hot glue gun and glue sticks, stick the felt balls to cover all of the wooden letters.

With the color of the felt balls, go for the favorite color of your child or opt for a blend of colors on the wooden board.

2. The Felt Blooms

The Felt Blooms

With felt yarn, embellish a wreath and create an adorable craft piece for your home. Start by wrapping the wreath with yarn using glue. Spray adhesive makes the work easier for you so that you can ditch the normal glue bottles. Cover the wreath with three layers of yarn, and once you have securely wrapped it with yarn, adorn it with a few felt flowers and other decorative items.

To save your time, purchase ready-made embellishments. The time to make a yarn wreath will depend on the size of your wreath and what embellishments you are using.

3. A Felt Ball Garland

A Felt Ball Garland

If it is a festive season, felt crafts can be handy in the decoration of your home. A felt ball garland goes with every season. Additionally, with the color of the felt balls, you can make it for your theme’s decorations. With this beginner-level DIY, you can easily master your felt crafting. Determine the length of garland you require and take a thread.

Cotton thread is advised because it is sturdy. Start by making felt balls, or you can purchase them to reduce your time consumption. Start adding the felt balls to the thread, and once the garland is ready, hand in places to enhance the look of your home.

4. A Felt Letter Garland

A Felt Letter Garland

A Felt letter garland is perfect for hanging in your baby’s room. If not a baby’s room, a felt letter banner makes a great way to embrace the decoration for celebrations. Making felt letters is easy, and the result you get is admirable. Start this DIY by tracing the letter patterns to the garland. Similarly, do it for a mirrored pattern for each letter.

Attach a hanger to the letters and sew each traced letter pattern with its mirrored cutout. Do it for all the letters of the name garland or a letter banner. Collect the letters together, hang them, and you are finished with this easy DIY.

5. Kitchen Mitts with Cactus

Kitchen Mitts with Cactus

Our pick from felt crafts is for individuals who want an addition of a cute element in their kitchen. Create a pattern for the shape of your oven mitt using a template. Alternatively, an old oven mitt can be used to trace the pattern. Do this with 2 insulating batting pieces and 4 green wool felt pieces. Use white pieces to give the oven mitts an appearance of cactus spines.

Once you are done, layer the insulated batting piece with a green felt piece above and below it. Stitch it, and your cute oven mitts with felt crafts are ready.

6. Felt Fabric Tulips

Felt Fabric Tulips

A bouquet made with felt fabric is a great way to decorate your home or gift it to someone you dearly love. And this DIY saves you from the tedious work of sewing to make the flowers. Start by cutting out the template prints of petals and tracing them on the felt fabric. Carefully cut out the felt fabric with the help of the templates.

Use glue to give fabric pieces the shape of tulips. For leaves and stamen of the flowers, use green colored felt fabric around a floral wire and give the desired shape. To make it look perfect, add details with markers.

7. Miniature Felted Pumpkin

Miniature Felted Pumpkin

Miniature felted pumpkins are an excellent choice for Halloween decoration, but they can just fit the house decoration beyond the Halloween season. There are two ways to make these miniature pumpkins. For the easier version of this DIY, take a few felt balls and wrap the balls with thread to create a pumpkin-like outline to the balls.

The felt crafts with the easy method are apt for kids and beginners. Whereas if you are acquainted with the needle, make mini pumpkins with needle felting tools and roving wool.

8. Felt Crafts and Vase DIY

Felt Crafts and Vase DIY

Another easy DIY with felt crafts is to make a vase using the materials easily available at any home. For a felt vase, you will need a plastic bottle. Replace all the stickers from the plastic bottle and cut it into a shape if it is needed. For a more secure alternative, choose a glass bottle to replace the plastic one.

Cut out a piece of felt fabric to entirely cover the bottle. How you further decorate the felt vase is all up to you. One of the creative and convenient ways is to wrap a neon rope around the vase in the bottom half of the vase.

9. A Leaf Wall Hanging with Felt

A Leaf Wall Hanging with Felt

Wall hangings can be ridiculously easy to make with felt. Wall hangings with felt fabric do not take too long to make. To make a visually appealing wall hanging, take a few felts in the colors you want to craft your wall hanging.

Download and print a few leaf templates and give the felts an outline. After this, cut the felts using scissors in the desired shape. Drill a hole in each of the leaves so that you can thread all the leaf cuttings together.

10. Wooly Needle-Felted Mouse

Wooly Needle-Felted Mouse

Needle Felted mouse is one of the easy DIY felt crafts for beginners. To make this adorable craft piece, you only will require minimal supplies. A printable template will guide you to finish this craft project with convenience.

With felt balls as head and body, start layering the balls with roving felt to give them an egg-shaped appearance. Layer the balls with more felt fabric to match the size of the template. Give it the shape of a mouse. Afterward, make your craft piece appear more appealing by adding a hat, mouse houses, and miniature clothes.

11. A Quick Felt Pillow DIY

A Quick Felt Pillow DIY

If you are a fan of neutral shades in home decor but want to brighten up your living space, here is one of the minimalist felt crafts for you. For this craft idea with felt fabric, purchase a few colored felt sheets and a plain pillow or cushion cover (preferably white).

Cut random shapes of colored felt fabric like triangles, strips, rectangles, squares, or circular balls. Using hot glue, stick each of these pieces to the pillow cover. Secure the placed cutouts by gently pressing them. Ensure to avoid making a mess by keeping an even space between the pieces.

12. Felt Palm Leaf DIY

Felt Palm Leaf DIY

Palm print housewares are a classic print to incorporate into your house details. The felt crafts DIY is a simple and easy one, which you can recreate with just a pair of scissors and wool felt. Cut out of the shape of a palm leaf using green wool felt.

To make it a perfect leaf, use printable templates available online. Once you finish cutting the leaf in the pattern, start sticking the pieces to the pillow cover. For finishing the finer details, sew the edges for a more crisp look. The size and number of leaves you want to use will depend on you.

13. Felt Bird Bookmarks

Felt Bird Bookmarks

Bookmarks are both adorable and practical felt crafts that require only a few items. Perfect for gifting to a teacher or friend, the bookmarks are an innovative way and can come in very handy if you are an avid book reader. With readily available templates that are printable, the craft becomes very convenient.

Once you have cut all the pieces, stick them together using hot glue. Place a paperclip on the back of the felt bird and secure it by stitching properly.

14. A Purse for the Kids

A Purse for the Kids

If you have your hands set on sewing, use felt to create a cute purse for your kids. This DIY project of felt crafts is perfect as a beginning project for your kids to learn sewing.

What purse your child needs will determine how to outline the felt pieces and then sew them together. The purse made by your kid does not have to be perfect, but just a step closer to learning how to be innovative.

15. Innovative Coasters with Felt

 Innovative Coasters with Felt

If you have leftover scraps of felt from a previous craft project, a felt Geode coaster is one of the felt crafts you can not miss. They will not only protect the tabletop but also keep your drinks warm.

Cut the felt scraps of different colors (1 cm wide). Make a small roll by curling a small length of felt and secure it using fabric glue. Continue to add layers of felt to it until the required size is attained.

16. Felt Flowers

 Felt Flowers

Felt flowers make a perfect gift or home decor item that requires no sewing. It is so easy to make flowers with felt that it makes it a perfect craft idea for kids to try. Cut felt in different shapes (circles and flower petals) and sizes.

Layer multiple pieces together according to their sizes and glue the center of it. Use a wooden skewer to make the stems. Further, decorate it by sticking buttons to the flower centers and wrapping ribbons around the flowers.

17. A Felted Ball Mobile

A Felted Ball Mobile

A felted ball mobile is the best gift for a couple that recently became parents or can make a perfect decor item for your house. Use an embroidery hoop and create hanger arms with thread.

Even space the arms of the mobile, with the help of a needle, thread the felt balls. Keep the length depending on where you have to hang it. To secure the arms, tie a knot at the end of each arm so that balls do not fall from the thread.

18. Felt Ball Trees

Felt Ball Trees

There are a lot of reasons why you should stick with felt ball trees for felt crafts. It is so easy to do, customizable, and it is so much fun to make these trees. To make a felt ball tree, start making the felt balls. To reduce the effort and time, purchase ready-to-use felt balls.

Put a dowel (a thin wooden stick) into a styrofoam ball. Now cover the styrofoam ball with miniature felt balls with the help of glue. With the colors of the felt balls, you can make felt ball trees with a theme that coordinates well with a decoration or interior decoration.

19. A Friendship Key Chain

A Friendship Key Chain

A friendship keychain is one of the best-felt crafts to give your kids a trial of innovation. To make these cute key chains, download a template and cut out the pieces after tracing them on the felt pieces. Stitch the embellishments on the pieces before sewing each of the pieces.

For example, attach the eyes of a bird keychain to the felt before stitching the whole keychain. To provide the key chains a dimension, stuff each of the key chains. Use hot glue to the keychain to attach the ring to the keychain later. Stitch the felt, and your cute little key chains are ready.

20. Felt Pattern with Easter Egg

Felt Pattern with Easter Egg

To make this adorable felt pattern, cut two felt pieces in an oval shape of an egg. With the help of embroidery thread that matches the egg color, start sewing the easter egg.

Just before you finish sewing the easter egg, fill the eggs with fillers and finish sewing the whole egg. To add a pattern to these easter eggs, cut out felt in a zigzag pattern and sew them to the top and bottom of both sides of the eggs. This should be done before you start sewing the eggs and adding fillers to the craft piece. To make a variety of easter eggs for your decoration, use different colors of felt.

21. Hand-Stitched Mouse

Hand-Stitched Mouse

A mouse can be used in decorations for multiple occasions. To be honest, you don’t have to wait for a celebration to display this cute mouse, but just pair it with other decorative items.

This DIY felt craft is for people who know the basics of stitching. Using a template, trace and cut out the pieces of the wool felt in the required colors by choosing the right stitch and the individual details of the mouse. To make the mouse look more appealing, fill it with polyester filler or stuffing.

22. Easy Christmas Tree

 Easy Christmas Tree

To make a decorative item for Christmas, a felt Christmas tree is an incredible option. Start by tracing the shapes of the tree (including the branches) on the felt. Also, cut out a white-colored wavy pattern that mimics the snow. Keep the shape and size of the tree that fits the decoration.

Stitch together the tree and embellish it with miniature lights in a zigzag pattern. Now stitch the white wavy cutout, and the tree is ready to be displayed for the decoration for Christmas Eve.

23. Felt Heart Design

 Felt Heart Design

Felt crafts come in great variations, and one such variation is a felt heart. You can give this to a friend, partner, or even your family members as a reminder of your love for them. There are two variations to the felt hearts. Start by cutting out two heart-shaped felt, fill it with polyester filler, and then stitch together both pieces.

Alternatively, cut out two felt pieces in a heart shape and a strip in the same color. Stitch together the edges of strips on both sides with the heart-shaped cutouts. Use polyester filler or leftover felt scraps. You can personalize every heart with a name or a saying for your loved one.

24. A Felt Bunny

 A Felt Bunny

Making perfect bunnies is one of the fun felt crafts. If you are making it for a celebration like Easter, pastel colors are an excellent choice for the bunnies. Print the templates and cut out two felt bunny-shaped pieces for each bunny. Start stitching them together from the bottom. Blanket stitch is preferred for this DIY project.

Running stitch and whip stitch are two other alternatives, but blanket stitch makes it look neater. Stuff the bunny with a filler that is readily available. For the final touches, make a bow for each bunny and stick a tail using a pompom or a felt ball.

25. The Felt Mermaid

The Felt Mermaid

Making a mermaid using felt crafts gives you a lot of choices to make a unique mermaid for yourself. From picking the mermaid tail to doing the facial details, there is so much variation you can add to this felt craft piece. Download a template for a mermaid and cut out pieces for your felt mermaid. This will include the body, tail, and hair of the mermaid.

Details will make the mermaid look unique. Use threads and small decorative items to add details to the tail. For facial details, stitch doll eyes. Using a thread to add the details of eyes, nose, and mouth is another great way to make it a perfect piece.

26. Woodland Themed Animals

Woodland Themed Animals

Felt crafts provide a fun and easy way to make woodland-themed animals. These go perfectly for a similar theme of a baby shower, a classroom, or a child’s bedroom. With a pen or marker, outline the template of each animal you want to make.

Cut out the details of each of the animals and assemble all the pieces. Stick together all the pieces using fabric glue or hot glue. These woodland animals can be used anywhere to add a fun vibe.

27. Felt Rainy Clouds Mobile

Felt Rainy Clouds Mobile

Perfect for a nursery or your baby’s bedroom, a felt rainy cloud mobile will make your space look dreamy. Felt crafts for this DIY will require your time and the basics of sewing. With traceable templates, create an outline for the clouds and droplets on craft felt. Followed by cutting out the clouds and raindrops.

With raindrops, you have the leverage of adding colors to the mobile. Pick a set of bright colors to make it more intriguing. Sew each of the raindrops and clouds and stuff them. Now tie clouds and raindrops at variable lengths to a hoop, and your felt rainy clouds mobile is ready to embrace the space.

28. A Heart Banner

 A Heart Banner

Perfect for hanging on a wall or a mantle, using felt crafts to make a heart banner can be perfect for your home all year round. The size of each banner flag in this heart banner can be customized, but ensure that the size remains constant. Cut out banner flags in the size you need them.

Depending on the size of the banner flags, cut felt in a heart shape with complementary colors to the banner flags. Sew the hearts on the banner flags using embroidery thread and needle. String all flags together either by making a hole with a utility knife or by using a needle.

29. Embroidered Felt Bookmark

Embroidered Felt Bookmark

If you are acquainted with embroidery, this is one of the best-felt crafts for you to try. With both sewing and embroidery, this craft idea will make a perfect gift for book readers. To make an embroidered felt bookmark, cut out a few pieces in a triangular shape. Note that for every felt bookmark, you will require two pieces.

On one side of the felt, start with the art of embroidery. What you choose for an embroidery design gives you a lot of options. You can customize each of the felt bookmarks if it is a gift. Once you finish with it, take another triangular piece of felt and sew them.

30. A Felt Choco Chip Cookie

A Felt Choco Chip Cookie

To make this felt craft item, use a beige color felt and trace a circle on it. The size of the cookies is a personal choice and will depend on how you will use the felt crafts with this wonderful idea. Cut tiny circles with variable sizes that will be the choco chips. Optionally, you can also add a pair of eyes and cheeks using tiny black and pink circles, respectively.

To add the details of the face, use embroidery cotton and give details of the mouth on one side of the cut pieces. Start sticking the choco chips to one of the felt pieces for the cookie. Take another felt piece and start sewing the cookie. When there is a little gap left at the end, fill the cookie with an available filler. Make as many cookies as you need and use them for decorating or as a gift item.

31. Felt Hand Puppet

Felt Hand Puppet

Puppets are a definite yes for kids. So why not make one for them using felt crafts? With a felt puppet, you can teach your kids the basics of sewing. Some of the puppets can be easier to make, while some can be a bit challenging. But seeing your kid have fun with it is worth it.

The use of wool blends instead of acrylic felt is preferred because they are comparatively long-lasting. If you want, you can make a puppet for your child and yourself, two puppets that fit both of you, and make memories with your little one.

32. Felt Pumpkin Faces

Felt Pumpkin Faces

If you are looking for felt crafts that your kids will love, here is one unique idea for you. To make a felt pumpkin face outline the shapes and cut them. Sew two pieces together and stuff it with a filler.

Your kids will not like just a stuck pumpkin face. To make it more fun for them, add creative details to each pumpkin. Add facial features by cutting and sticking the felt pieces. This craft idea with felt is simple, and yet the results come out to be perfect!

33. Felt Animal Mask Pattern

Felt Animal Mask Pattern

Are you looking for a fun Halloween costume? These fun animal masks can perfectly accessorize your Halloween costume. These masks are not just for Halloween, but your kids can wear these masks and play their games anytime. Print the template for the animal mask you need for your child. You can easily get templates for different animal mask patterns.

Cut out the fabric pieces as per the template and stick them together using hot glue. Punch holes when your mask is ready and see your child having the best time with the mask.

34. Animal Pencil Toppers with Felt

Animal Pencil Toppers with Felt

For cool parents that want their kids to have an awesome school accessory, trying felt crafts for these animal pencil toppers is a must! Not only is this fun, but it will keep the kids motivated to do their school tasks with no pestering.

To make these pencil toppers, download templates and cut out pieces in the required sizes. Assemble all the cutouts and stick them together. With a few details to them, your animal pencil toppers are ready!

35. Owl Biscuits with Felt

Owl Biscuits with Felt

Crafting with felt is fun, but guess what makes it more fun? It is to make these adorable owl biscuits. It is a super easy and time-efficient craft idea that requires minimal materials.

Using a template, outline the shapes on the felt and cut out the pieces. Stick all the pieces together with hot glue and embellish it with whatever you have handy. By decorating these owl biscuits, you can encourage the kids to be a part of this DIY project.

Summing Up

Crafting with felt provides various choices to make craft pieces that are impressive. Most of the craft items are easy to make, while some may require in-depth knowledge. Create unique items for your kids, like nursery letters, kid’s purses, mermaids, or felt bunny for your kids.

To include felt crafts in your home decor, opt for projects like miniature pumpkins, felt ball garlands, felted ball mobiles, or innovative coasters.

Adding to this, felt-crafted materials can be an excellent gift for people you love. From adorable keychains to personalized bookmarks, use these DIY ideas to convey your love with these crafted items.

Happy crafting with these inspiring felt craft ideas! Let us know in the comments your unique felt crafts!

Jordan Wilson

Jordan Wilson

Jordan Wilson is a creative arts educator with a BFA in Visual Arts from the Chicago School of the Art Institute. With over 8 years of experience teaching art in elementary schools, her articles are a treasure trove of imaginative and educational craft ideas for children.
Her passion for sustainable and eco-friendly materials shines through her work, inspiring parents and educators. He is an amazing gardener, often incorporating elements of nature into her craft projects and sharing these experiences in engaging articles. He is also an accomplished painter and volunteers at local art therapy workshops.


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